Assignment 7: Still Life of Organic and Inorganic forms

Assignment 7: Still life Still Life of Organic and Inorganic forms using toned paper

Render a compositions of both organic and inorganic forms, using overlapping forms and with a distinct light source. 

 Be creative.   Flowers, leave, plants, rocks, shells, insects, skulls, foods etc. are all Organic forms.  Set these up with Inorganic forms such as vases, bottles, plates, boxes, glasses, jewelry, toys, robots, ANYTHING really.  Try to create a strong sense of contrast and interest through the items you choose.

As always make careful use of your measuring and observation skills to draw the composition, then tone your paper as shown in class.  Using the toned paper as the middle value, create a still life wit a full range of value. Make sure you set up a distinct light source.  Observe how lighting is effecting the objects and observe shadow shapes and highlights. Be sure to include the Background and the surface they are sitting on!  Be sure to have a full range of value in your drawing.


18 x 24 Strathmore Drawing Paper

Remember to Thoughtfully Compose the page.  Remember to Consider compositional concepts such as Balance, Rhythm, Symmetry, Asymmetry.  Use a variety of line weights to describe the forms.  Consider how the forms interact with each other.



  • USE Your RULER, PENCIL, CHARCOAL PENCILS, and your 18 x 24 DRAWING PAPER for this Assignment.
  • Be sure to frame out your composition in masking tape as shown in class!
  • Try Lightly TONING your drawing paper before beginning your drawing to a middle value.
  • Draw this composition at your highest level of skill!


Tip: SPRAY the 2 drawings with Workable Fixatiff Spray when complete so they don’t smudge!