Small-Group Instruction

In a technology education classroom, the method of delivery is of the most important factors that tie into a students comprehension of content. As educators selecting the best possible method of instruction can be enhanced by understanding the weaknesses and strengths of our students.

Small Group Instruction allows for greater individualized student instruction. Small groups should contain no more than 3-4 students. In this method of instruction, students are grouped based on their skill or knowledge level. Teachers can use this opportunity in order to identify knowledge gaps, knowledge deficits and provide a  mode of instruction that will be identify and suit a students needs.

In using small group instruction, teachers can personalize/differentiate instruction, provide positive and encouraging feedback, reteach or re-present material, and allow for greater student collaboration among their peers.

Lastly, when implementing small-group instruction, teachers must be aware the other students who are not engaging in the small-group must be given meaningful and lasting assignments that either reinforce previous knowledge or build upon knowledge already obtained. Distractions should be kept to a minimum and independent “work-time” procedures/directions should be examined and introduced prior to the small-group instruction.

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