American Literature I
Research Paper
Reading Chopin’s The Awakening, one thing is clear: Edna must die. Why? Looking at the historical evolution of feminism, coupled with the author’s own reality, establish a reason for Edna’s demise. In doing this, establish how certain social and cultural precepts influence the direction both the author and her characters embraced—tenets that supposedly speak to the universal sense of individualism often referenced as “being American.” Infuse Emerson throughout, and make a connection between his promotion of self-reliance and the idea of “awakening.” Is an awakening exactly what Emerson is pushing readers toward? And if this is true, how and why does becoming the “artist” go horribly wrong for both the main character and her creator? Within this discussion, examine how Edna’s life might have played out if she had attempted to be more like Madame Ratignolle. Additionally, establish if the reaction of their societies would be any different today.
Along these same lines, infuse the Black woman’s own subjugation into the paper’s argument. Rena, like Edna, awakens. Because of this, Rena too must be punished. In philosophical terms, what does this mean? Why does John succeed at “passing” while Rena does not? What social forces conspire against Rena and foreshadow the novel’s ending? And how and why was Chesnutt’s career, like Chopin’s, destroyed? Is there a correlation between this White woman and Black man?


• A 100-250 word abstract must be posted onto our OpenLab page (ENG3401/E254) by 12/6.

• The Final paper MUST be posted to our OpenLab page, AND submitted as a HARD COPY in class, on 12/19.

• Paper should weave source discussions that we have uncovered while researching these texts, including any laws, statistics, and philosophical principles.

• Throughout the work, feel free to introduce any supporting Films or literature we have examined this semester that will support your argument.

• Paper must establish an argument and defend it, based on the statements above.

• Paper must have a working thesis statement that controls the flow of the paper’s body paragraphs.

• The criticism must address every component discussed above, but the format—the structure of the paper—belongs to you, the critic.

• Secondary sources—sources not listed in the above assignment—are required (at least six).

• Paper must have quotes throughout that support the writer’s argument.

• Do not forget that the paper must conform to MLA’s documentation style.

• This paper cannot be less than eight FULL pages or more than twelve (this does not include Works Cited page).

Any paper suspected of plagiarism will result in an automatic F and be forwarded to the Division Dean.

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