GA6: Thesis Statements Discussion and Reviewing GA5

After reading some materials and handouts about thesis statements in your English Handbook, in Professor Rodgers’ packet of hand-outs, and/or online, 1/ please post three questions that you have about thesis statements, 2/ write one paragraph for your classmates explaining how to write a thesis statement and/or the elements of a good thesis statement.

Please post responses to Professor Rodgers’ questions and requests for clarification in relation to GA5 posts in reply to GA5.

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11 Responses to GA6: Thesis Statements Discussion and Reviewing GA5

  1. 1) 3 questions about about thesis statements:
    1. How long my thesis statement should be?
    2. How can I write a strong thesis statement?
    3. What are the elements to write a strong thesis statement?
    2) To write a thesis statement we have to make sure that is not an announcement. If you start writing your thesis statement as “I’m going to tell…” You are going into the wrong way. If you introduced your thesis state my by an opinion phrase as “I believe, I think or I feel,” for sure this thesis statement will not be the best. Also note that a thesis statement should not be a fact because it will not continue with a discussion. For example, “George Will writes about economic equality in the U.S.A” because it will be easily proven. A thesis statement should not be a quote nor a question. A question cannot state an argument and a quote cannot state a position made. A good thesis statement will have three major elements: 1. A subject 2. A main idea and 3. An evidence. A strong thesis statement will answer directly the question of the assignment. It is also a claim that must be supported by a reason. At last, a strong thesis statement will answer the following questions: “What is the essay’s subject?” “What is the main idea that will be discussed?” And “What is the evidence that will be used to support the main idea?” Also know that a thesis statement will be place at the end of the introductory paragraph.

    • Thanks, Mari. As always, the points you make are excellent. However, there are some clarity issues with this post. Could you read over this post, making sure to correct any typos that you notice? Also, are there any sentences in this post that your reader might struggle to clearly understand? Which ones? Why might they struggle with them? How might you rewrite them to make your points more easily and readily comprehensible?

  2. RANMA says:

    1.Is there a ‘formula’ to write a thesis statement? If there is, what is the best way to write it?
    2.Is it possible the thesis statement is unclear that the readers couldn’t find right a way?
    3.Is it possible have more than one thesis statement?
    I think there are few steps to make a thesis statement:
    First, write down your main point. It should be specific and focused.
    I think thesis statement are what you plan to argue and how you plan to argue it.
    Secondly, if a reader can say how or why after reading your thesis statement, you need to change your thesis so that it answers those questions. Last, I think you have to check if the rest of your essay support your thesis statement.
    In my opinion, grammar is a promise of a language among people how to read or write a sentence.
    According to Merriam-webster(, grammar means:
    1. the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language
    2.speech or writing judged by how well it follows the rules of grammar
    3. a book that explains the grammar rules of a language

    In the essay “Grammar” by Sandy Chung and Geoff Pullum say that grammar is the collection of principles defining how to put together a sentence. We can find languages have syntax(how order words) and morphology(how to manage the structure of words)

    My connotative definition of grammar is very simple and vague. There is no details about grammars while Chung and Pullum explain about grammars from different sides of aspects like definition of grammars from linguists(general definition of grammar), the syntactic principles of language, and the principles governing the structure of words.

    • Nami,

      I very much agree with your first point:

      “First, write down your main point. It should be specific and focused.”

      I also agree with this statement, assuming a few edits are made to it:
      “I think thesis statement[S] are [REPRESENT] what you plan to argue and how you plan to argue it.”

      However, I’m not understanding your points here:

      “Secondly, if a reader can say how or why after reading your thesis statement, you need to change your thesis so that it answers those questions. Last, I think you have to check if the rest of your essay support your thesis statement.”

      Could you please re-write them so I can fully understand them? Thank you!!!!

  3. Allison Lamm says:

    1) Can a thesis statement be a paragraph long or it must be one sentence?

    2) Can the thesis statement be a question?

    3) Can a thesis statement have more then one idea?

    A thesis statement is a sentence that explains what you’re paper is about. The thesis statement explains what you will be discussing or analyzing. A thesis statement consists of two parts which are a summary reference to what your topic is about, and the analysis, which is an explanation of the topic. In the thesis statement you state what your opinion is of what you are talking about. A thesis statement should not be facts, it is your opinion. A thesis statement generally appears at the end of the introductory paragraph. Each paragraph of your essay must relate and support the thesis statement. As you revise your paper the thesis statement will end up changing to make it clear what your thesis is.

    • Allison,

      See my responses below. They are IN ALL CAPS.

      1) Can a thesis statement be a paragraph long or it must be one sentence? [GENERALLY, A THESIS STATEMENT IS NOT A PARAGRAPH. HOWEVER, IT CAN BE MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE.]


      3) Can a thesis statement have more then one idea? [YES]

      Your guidelines for writing thesis statements are excellent. Thanks!

  4. GA6-
    1) Does the thesis statement have to be written specifically in the order you plan to write it in in your essay or is it okay to write it in a different order?
    2) Wouldn’t it make more sense for a thesis statement to be in the beginning of the introduction rather than the end?
    3) Why will the scope of your thesis be determined by the length of the paper?

    How to write a good thesis statement? Well A thesis statement is a statement at the end of your introduction that basically summarizes your entire essay in about a sentence or two. Your thesis statement in your first draft many times differs from the thesis statement of your final draft because it must be altered according to how your essay is written. Make sure that each one of your paragraphs relate to your thesis. Think of it as a conversation starter. If you cant have a conversation with someone about your thesis statement then it probably has to be revised.

  5. Jide says:

    – Can a thesis statement be written as an actual question (non-rhectorical) ?
    – If you where to grade an introductory paragraph, is the strength of it determined by the strength of its thesis statement?
    – Does the structure of a thesis statement vary in different genre of essays?
    A thesis statement is a short sentence, in the introductory paragraphs, that gives the reader a gist about what the author wants to convey in their essay; in other words, its basically the whole essay without extended detail. I believe a standard thesis statement should have the topic for each body paragraph in it; it should be a reflection of everything written in an essay.

  6. uriahj1 says:

    1. Is it best to put the thesis at the end or begining of the intro
    2. How obvious should the thesis be in stylized writing
    3. can the topic sentence repeat the thesis every paragraph
    A thesis statement is a statement that summarizes your entire essay as coherently as possible. Your thesis statement changes as the essay does, so when doing multiple drafts the thesis may be revised to better fit the new writing. Each paragraph should i some way answer the thesis even if its not a question. Always ask yourself how does this relate to the thesis and if your writing does not clearly answer that you need to revise your writing, especially with argument essays.

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