Week 9 Assignments

Week 9 Assignments

    • This week we are going to start thinking about and preparing for the research project.
    • Group Assignments DUE by 10 am Friday, Nov. 7
    • RWA and LJ DUE by 10 am Tuesday, Nov. 11

Please read the story that you selected to read last week.  Afterwards, spend ten minutes writing about the story.  You may want to write about what you remember after reading the story, what you liked or disliked about the story, what you thought was great or terrible about the story, or what the story made you think of.  You can write whatever you want–even a story in response to the story–but please make sure that you write for ten minutes without stopping.

GA9:  Blogging Your Writing Inventory

Please post the list of the writing issues you plan to work on for the rest of the semester in response to my post GA9 on the Open Lab, making sure to include at least one, and no more than three issues in each of the following categories:  Argument/Structure/Clarity/Revision.

RWA9:  Introduction to College Research and Choosing a Topic  

Part I:

Please READ and take notes on Krause’s chapter “Thinking Critically About Research.”http://www.stevendkrause.com/tprw/chapter1.html

Second, please read and take notes on the following information about the Beginning the Research Process, Evaluating Sources and Searching the WWW created by City Tech library professor Bronwen Densmore:

Beginning the Research ProcessLearn how to begin approaching a research question: determine what information you need, where to find it, and how to begin evaluating it for use in your work.
Developing the Research QuestionNarrow down a broad research topic into a workable research question.


Part II:  Developing a Research Question

The first step in any research process is developing a research question that you can feasibly research in the time allotted for your research project.  The topic we will, as a class, be writing about for this research project is the very large topic of “Technologies and Reading and Writing Practices.”  You have already written a narrative essay related to this topic and an argumentative response essay about this topic.  Now, I would like you to reflect on the writing and reading you’ve done and develop a draft research question on this topic.

We will be having our library session next Tuesday, November 11, so we will meet up as a group in front of the library (Namm 4th Floor) at 11:30.  Please complete the following worksheet and bring it to our next class. You will be handing it in.  If you’d like to read more about Developing Research Questions, here is one resource you may find useful:  http://www.esc.edu/online-writing-center/resources/research/research-paper-steps/developing-questions/

Draft Research Question Brainstorming Worksheet



List of possible questions about technologies and reading and writing practices that I have after reading over my literacies narrative draft essay and thinking about the midterm exam:




Draft Research Question:


Why I am interested in this Research Question:


Why this question is worth researching:


Three questions that I have about the Research Question:





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