Monthly Archives: December 2014

Link to James Paul Gee Video and Writings on Education Reform

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Preparing for the Final Exam

To prepare for the final exam, which is next Tuesday, please review your notes from today’s class, this blog post on complete sentences, and the following handouts: Introduction to Summary Writing What Is a Thesis Statement? Some Thesis Statement Tips What … Continue reading

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Some Interesting Sources On the Topic of Literacy and Technology Thank you, Eddie, for these great sources!  We will all look forward to seeing your Annotated Bibliography listing and explaining them.

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Prof. Rodgers’ Office Hours 12/2 and 12/3

Dear Students, Please feel free to set up a time to meet with me to discuss your draft Overview of Sources Essay and/or your Course Portfolio.  I will be in my office at the following times this week: Wednesday 12/2: … Continue reading

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