Open Lab Blogger/Photoblogger Opportunity: Get Paid to Document What’s Happening at City Tech!

Apply to become an OpenLab student blogger or photoblogger!

Why should you join the Student Blogging Team?

Share your experiences and ideas with the City Tech community | Collaborate with a team of students | Publish your work on the OpenLab | Gain real-world blogging experience | Add to your resume | And get paid $300|

City Tech’s OpenLab, an open-source digital platform for students, faculty, and staff, is looking for enthusiastic City Tech students to blog weekly. Your posts could be about you: maybe you’re from far away, a parent, coming back to school after many years, a veteran, etc. Or you could write about what interests you and your friends and classmates: music, sports, food, movies. Or you could share your photography as a photoblogger.

Whether writing or photoblogging, OpenLab Student Bloggers will work with the OpenLab Community Team to create conversation on the OpenLab, commenting on the posts by other student bloggers and members of the OpenLab community.

If you’re applying for blogging as a writer, you should:

have already passed English 1101
review The Buzz for a sense of what previous bloggers have done
send an email to
explaining what your posts will add to the OpenLab and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers
include a 400-word sample post that is clear and interesting for your potential OpenLab audience
attach your resume
If you are applying for photoblogging, you should:

have experience taking photographs and optimizing images for the web using Photoshop or similar software
send an email to
explaining what your posts will add to the OpenLab and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers
send at least 5 images to
attach your resume

Deadline: 1 December 2014 for the Spring 2015 semester

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