GA6: Thesis Statements!

Please read over Professor Rodgers’ Handouts related to writing THESIS statements and her structural overview of a thesis-driven essay in your What Is Writing? A Brief Introduction to Writing As an Act of Communication reading packet. After reading these, please do the following: In response to Professor Rodgers’ GA6 Post, 1/ post three questions that you have about thesis statements, 2/ write one paragraph for your classmates explaining how to write a thesis statement and/or the elements of a good thesis statement.

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13 Responses to GA6: Thesis Statements!

  1. 1. Two Questions:
    -Can thesis appear somewhere other than the introduction?
    -Can a thesis be more than one sentence?

    2. A thesis statement is basically your opinion on the argument. You have to state whether you agree or disagree with the author of the essay. Sometimes you can do both in the thesis. You can also include a summary but it has to be very brief. It basically gives the reader an idea of what your essay will be about. Your opinion is the most crucial part on you thesis. It can be difficult at first, but after some practice you’ll be able to write good thesis statements.

  2. 1.) Questions
    A.) Is it possible for thesis statement to be a whole paragraph?
    B.) Is it possible to have a thesis statement in the middle of an introduction?

    2.) A thesis statement gives the reader insight to what is to come in the essay. The placement of a thesis statement depends on what genre of writing. Usually a thesis statement is the last sentence(s) of an introduction to an essay. The main idea of the essay is in the thesis statement and then further explained in the following paragraphs. In order for a writer to come up with a good thesis statement, they should have an idea of what kind of structure they want for their essay. This is to make sure they have their main point(s) in order. Also a writer needs to properly explain what was stated in their thesis statement.

  3. AlexusTodd says:

    Questions: 1)how do you know if you have a good thesis statement and provided enough information for the reader, but not to much were you are telling the reader everything in the one paragraph.
    2)if you have your thesis statement at the end of your essay would your essay still[ be good and would people still be interested into reading it.

    A thesis statement explains in a couple sentence what you are going to be writing about or what you wrote about.It explains where you agree or disagree about a topic , and then leads you into why you agree or disagree. your thesis statement should be organized and to the point. Also your should be writing your thesis statement as if you are having a conversation with someone. you have to make sure each paragraph relates to your thesis statement, because it would be pointless to have a thesis statement and none of the paragraphs support it.

    • Alexus,

      Like Adia’s explanation of thesis statements, I think this is an excellent one. One difference between Adia’s paragraph and yours as posted here, is the fact that yours contains one or more typos and possibly a couple of errors. Could you take a look at your paragraph and re-post a second revised version in response to the first in which you make sure that each sentence is communicating as clearly as possible to your reader? Thanks! If you have any questions, let me know!

  4. Anonymous says:

    1. Why do you usually have to have your thesis at the end of a college essay?
    2. Can you start your essay with a thesis statment rather then a topic sentence?
    3. Why does the rule change in where a thesis statement can be put in other types of writing?
    A thesis statement is important in writing because its used as a guide for the reader to understand what is going to be talked about throughout your essay/article. The thesis is also a guide for the writer as well because it shows your focus points and not stray onto other topics. It is also something that keeps an organization for your writing, and allows your to support those topics throughout your writing.

  5. Matthew says:

    A) Why are thesis statements 1 sentence. I know this is a little dumb, but can’t the thesis statement be one paragraph long?
    B) In high school it did not matter where in the introduction i included my thesis statement. How come in college it has to be the last sentence in the intro?
    C) Why do thesis statements take so long to come up with?

    Before writing my essay I would start by creating a thesis statement. When creating a thesis statement you want to make sure that it explains the main reason that you are writing your essay. It not only keeps your writing organized, but it also allows the reader to know what he/she is reading. The thesis statement is all your ideas coming together into one sentence. It is the main idea or topic that you will elaborate on in each of your paragraphs. When you write each paragraph it is important that you relate to your thesis. Overall it makes for a well developed and organized essay and helps the reader know what he will be reading about. Ultimately a thesis statement is not always easy to create because it takes a lot of brain storming, but it is worth having one at the end.

  6. Berenis Rosa says:

    -What does a thesis statement consist of ?
    – how come it’s necessary to have a theses is statement in your essay ?
    – why is it important to include a thesis statement ?

    A thesis statement should always be consisted of 2 – 3 sentences long giving the reader an insight of what’s going to be in your essay. A thesis statement is basically the main point of what a research/essay is going to be about. As well it will organizes your paper to let the reader understand what your going to write and foreshadow what will be in your paper.

  7. 1: Questions
    a: Why can’t a thesis statement be more than one sentence?
    b: When can thesis statement be a complete sentence?
    c: Can a thesis statement not only be stated in the last sentence of the introduction?

    2: Although some thesis statements are simple and short, it has an important function. It is placed in the last sentence of the introduction. Thesis statements gives your readers an insight on what are you going to talk about. Although thesis statements do not need to be a full sentence, it must be clear. Thesis statements that declare obvious and indisputable truth will not be a good thesis. It might take time to write your thesis statement, but it is worth it.

  8. Dear Peng, Berenis, Matthew, Anonymous/Nina, Alexus, Adia, Eddie, Cordelia, Epiphany, and Rodrigo,

    Thank you for these really thoughtful explanations and questions. I was so impressed with the explanations that I have compiled them into a document about thesis statements that I’d like to eventually distribute to students, both in our course and in future courses. Please take a look at this document to see some responses to your questions:

    If I have put your question in BOLD FACE TYPE, it means I need some additional clarification from you regarding what specifically you are asking before I can attempt to answer your question. Please leave the original question and re-write your “new” or follow-up question next to it.

    All best,

    Prof. Rodgers

  9. kamranxeb says:


    1: Can a thesis statement be more than one sentence?
    2: Can it be a whole paragraph?
    3:does it have to be at the end of the first paragraph of introduction? can we write it as separate paragraph?

    To create an attention catching thesis statement keep it simple and clear cut to audience as possible. Effective thesis statement is an answer to a question: What am I trying to prove? Try narrowing your thesis on a limited aspects.Verify your thesis statement. Obtain your Professors approval for your thesis statement before starting further research.

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