Monthly Archives: October 2014

GA8: Questions (and Answers) about Complete Sentences in SWE

This Group Assignment is in two parts: Part I: What specific questions do you have about sentences in Standard Written English (SWE) that you would like to have answered?  Please post three questions about some specific aspect of the SWE … Continue reading

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Repsonding to Posts and Comments: Some Guidelines

Dear Students, I’ve been really impressed with the posts and comments that have been made on our course site to date.  However, I am writing now to ask that you add one more requirement.  If someone posts a comment/reply to … Continue reading

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GA7: Periods, Commas, and Writing About Texts

Please read about commas and periods in your English Handbook.  Please also review the guidelines for  Writing About Texts that you read about in Week 5.  Afterwards, please post and reply to two questions about each issue in reply to this … Continue reading

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Re-Writing Sentences

Dear Students, I’ve just finished reviewing your wonderful paragraphs about how to write thesis statements.  They were all incredibly informative and useful.  I hope everyone will take a look at them.  I’ve made some comments on some sentence-level issues in … Continue reading

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GA6: Thesis Statements!

Please read over Professor Rodgers’ Handouts related to writing THESIS statements and her structural overview of a thesis-driven essay in your What Is Writing? A Brief Introduction to Writing As an Act of Communication reading packet. After reading these, please … Continue reading

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GA5: What Is Grammar?

1/ In one to three sentences, describe your understanding of the term grammar and the basis for that definition, e.g., I’ve been told that I have bad grammar by teachers because I cannot spell well, etc. 2/ Look up the definition … Continue reading

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Notes on Thesis Statements from Tuesday, Oct. 7 Class Session

Thesis Statements Positives: A thesis statement… 1. presents the main idea of an essay (Matthew) 2. keeps your essay organized; every paragraph relates to the thesis statement (Matthew) 3. is helpful to the reader in allowing him/her to understand what … Continue reading

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