Week 2: Keywords

Dear Students,

Each week, I will ask one of you to post your notes from our Tuesday class session, and to make a list of ten to fifteen keywords discussed.  Since I did not ask any of you to post your notes from this week’s class meeting, I am making the post.  Unfortunately, I was not taking notes, so I cannot post those.  However, I can post my list of keywords.  If anyone would like to post some notes, please feel free to do so by replying to this post.  Also, please let me know if you feel any of the keywords listed should be removed or others added.

All best,

Prof. Rodgers

Keywords from Week 2 (which is actually the third week of the semester, but which we are calling Week 2 because RWA2 was due on Tuesday).  Please make sure that you have a working definition of each of these terms.  If not, please make sure to make a note of what questions you have about these terms so we can talk about your questions on the Open Lab.

Rhetorical context
Writer’s point of view (first person; second person; third person)
Writing as a process
Writing as a textual object
Writing as rhetorical action
Parts of Speech (Van C. Papa:  verb, adjective, noun, conjunction, preposition, adverb, pronoun, articles)

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