Wednesday, September 3

Dear Students!

I’m thrilled to see that so many of you have been able to a/ navigate the CUNY IT system infrastructure and b/ sign-up for the Open Lab!  Welcome!!!!  I hope everyone has taken the time to admire Barry’s very impressive avatar image.  One wonders if this image is one he found or one he self-produced.  Either way, it should inspire us all to find a suitably descriptive avatar for ourselves on the OL.  Thanks to all of you for all of the replies to the Week 1 GAs.

All best,

Prof. Rodgers

p.s.  I admire and I am intrigued by all of the avatars, not JUST Barry’s, so I hope you will check out all of the ones that have been posted and puzzle over their various and possible meanings and significations.

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One Response to Wednesday, September 3

  1. EHarrison says:

    It took me some time but I’m trying best to familiarize myself with all these sites that are needed. But thank you very much professor Rodgers for your guidance.

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