Carol Cruz

       Hi everyone! My name is Carol Cruz. I identify as a heterosexual female and my preferred pronouns are her/she. I currently work in a grocery store while going to school. I’m an assistant front end manager which just means I stand around all day giving over rides to cashiers all day, unless it gets busy (as it always is) and I end up wanting to rip my hair out either because of the customers or the store managers.

       I am in my second year at city tech and I just chose to major in accounting. Since city tech only has an associates program in accounting I’m currently looking at other schools to receive my bachelors from wether I transfer before or after I get my associates. I would like to eventually get my masters in accounting. I aspire for a career as a corporate controller. This job would include preparing the company taxes, looking over the budget and setting financial goals.

       As stressful as school, work and just life in general is, I get to come home to my pride and joy Hikari. Hikari is my beautiful cat that I found in my backyard (we started feeding his mother when we noticed she was pregnant). My family has always had cats since I was growing up. We already had Max which was also a rescue so when I saw the two kittens in the back which would later be names Hikari and Moxie (my sisters) I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Did you know baby kittens have to be fed, burped and stimulated to use the bathroom every two hours? I have never regretted the decision to take in the kittens as they have brought joy to everyone they meet with their different personalities and just the fact that they’re adorable. 
