Audre Lorde Project

Organization Name: Audre Lorde Project


Area of Focus:


The Audre Lorde Project is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color community organizing center, focusing on the New York City area. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various communities.”

Locations/Phone Numbers:

Manhattan: 147 West 24th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10011-1911 • tel: 212.463.0342 • fax: 212.463.0344
85 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11217-1607 • tel: 718.596.0342 • fax: 718.596.1328

Website Link:


Volunteer Activist Opportunities:

“There are many different ways to get involved with ALP’s work.

  • Support ALP with donations; there are many ways to give, so find the ones that work best for you.
  • Become a member and make an essential, fun and enriching contribution to ALP’s work.
  • Find out about jobs and internships at ALP.
  • Come out to ALP events and respond to our action alerts.
  • Find out more about our organizing areas and come to one of our working group meetings.
  • Stay informed. Join ALP’s listserv and receive email announcements of upcoming events. To join ALP’s listserv email and ask to be added to the listserv, you can also include your mailing address and get added to ALP’s Mailing List.”

CUNY Citizenship Now! (for you and your family)

CUNY offers a Citizenship Now! service that provides free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families on their path to U.S. citizenship. Their attorneys and paralegals offer one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for legal benefits and assist them in applying when qualified.

If you have any questions or concerns about the immigration status of you or your family members, please contact Citizenship Now! as soon as possible.