Dinesh Surujdeo

3) In The Color Purple, some of the reoccurring themes present early on are violence, sexual violence, sexuality and ones voice. In the first letter Celie writes to God and she in the letter she writes about getting raped by her stepfather. This is one example of violence early on and shows that as the book progresses Celie will be facing a lot of violence. Another example of violence towards Celie happens in her fifth letter. “He beat me today cause he say i winked at a boy in church”.(Walker5) This is the first example of domestic violence and one can predict that this will affect Celie to becoming a stronger and more vocal person. Her voice will become a stronger theme in the book. She is fond of Shug Avery. She believes Shug is a beautiful and gorgeous and she dreams about Shug Avery. This shows a bit of her sexuality because she seems attracted to Shug Avery. The book treats the themes of sex and violence in an addressing manner by bringing it up multiple times. In a another letter, Celie says, “He beat me like he beat the children. Cept he don’t never hardly beat them”(Walker22). In this instance, the book addressed violence by showing how often Celie gets beat and this time by a different man.

Blog 6

     Violence, sexuality, and voice are reoccurring themes throughout The Color Purple. It seems that many times one of these themes are brought up in the text they include at least one if not bother of the other themes. Some of these instances are that such of Celie being raped by her father Alphonso, her forced marriage to a man with many children, or her relationship with Shug.

     When Celie was only 14 she was raped by her step father Alphonso. At the time, Celie does not understand that it wasn’t her fault. Celine recalls that “he grab hold my titties. The he push his thing inside my pussy.” Celie’s first sexual experience is a violent one that has lasting affects on her. Celie is also silenced by the rape. Not really ever speaking up or back, just doing what is told of her.

     When Celie is forced to marry the man that her sister Nettie was dating things start off bad. She starts off her wedding day being abused by Harpo, her husbands eldest son. Harpo “laid open” Celie’s head. Later that day Celie and her husband consummate their marriage and she describes it as “he on top of [her],” from the way Celie is describing her first time in bed with her husband it doesn’t seem like she in enjoying herself. This could be because of her first sexual encounter with a man was rape and she is still trying to cope with what happened to her.

     Celies relationship with Shug changes dramatically from the beginning to the end of the book. In the beginning she is taking care of Shug since she is sick. Shut treats her terribly. But eventually they from a friendship. One thing leads to another and they are kissing “Us kiss and kiss till us can’t hardly kiss no more. Then us touch each other.” This is Celie’s first positive sexual experience. It happening with a woman doesn’t come to a surprise as me as many women who have been abused by men cant stand the touch of one anymore and they turn to women for their partners.

     Violence, sexuality and voice are brought up constantly in The Color Purple. Where one of these pop up the others are sure to follow. All three of these show in most of the scenes in the book in one way or another. It seems that violence is used in a way to silence some of the characters. Violence even affected the sexuality of some of the characters in the novel.



Blog Rubric Eng 2160 F 16

Blog Instructions:

Each week I will post a blog prompt on the course OpenLab site, and each week you will have to complete a blog post that respond to the prompt. This should be an opportunity for you to reflect on the themes and concepts that you found interesting and/or challenging in the week’s reading and to discuss those thoughts with your classmates. Each post must be 250 words, minimum. It should fully and thoughtfully respond to the prompt and provide direct quotes from the assigned reading in order to support and clarify your discussion. Each week, you also must respectfully and thoughtfully comment on at least two other blog posts. Initial posts must be completed on Thursday of each week by class time. Response posts must be completed each week by Friday at 11:59 pm. Do not wait until the last minute to post!

To post your blog:

Make sure you are logged in to OpenLab and have joined our course

Then click on the + at the top center of the page

Use your name as the post title

If you want to include an image or file, use the “add media” button

When you are done writing your post in the box, choose the appropriate category on the right side of the screen (“Blog Post 1,” etc.)

Then click “publish.”

Blog 10 (Due 12/1):

This blog is a chance for some extra credit! I have started a list of “Things We Can Do” in response to the rise in incidents of hate speech and violence since the election. For Blog 10, you may add to this list by creating a profile of a specific organization that addresses a cause you care about. Here is an example of one I posted for the Audre Lorde Project.

You have two choices for this blog: You can post nothing and receive full credit (30 points). OR you can post the following for double credit (60 points).

If you choose to complete Blog 10:

Choose one topic or issue that you think needs to change in our society (this might be in general or in response to the new presidential administration). This might include racism, gender equality, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender rights, domestic violence, sexual assault, beauty standards, immigration, mental health, reproductive health, etc. You might decide that current efforts need your support (through volunteering) or that you would like to join an activist movement to make certain problems more visible.

Once you have decided on a topic/cause you care about, you should find one organization working in that area that you would potentially like to get involved with and create an informational profile for yourself and your classmates. You will post that informational profile on OpenLab, and choose the “Things We Can Do” category so it will appear on the list.

The profile should include the following information:

  • Organization name
  • An image or video to help people understand the organization better
  • Area of focus
  • Location
  • Phone number
  • Website (link)
  • Volunteer or activist opportunities there (be as specific as possible)

Blog 9 (due 11/17):

Throughout Americanah, we see Ifemelu’s blog posts from her popular blog, Raceteenth or Various Observations About American Blacks (Those Formerly Known as Negroes) by a Non-American Black. Usually, her blog posts are inspired by a specific experience or interaction that she reflects on and then then writes about. For Blog 9, you will write a blog post (250 word, minimum) modeled after Ifemelu’s blog. First go back and re-reread some of her blog posts from the book to study their topics, tone, and format. Then, choose one experience or interaction that you have had recently, and write a blog post that reflects on the race, gender, nationality, and/or sexuality implications of that interaction in the style of Ifemelu’s blog.

Your post should:

  • Be modeled after the topics, tone, and format of the blog posts featured in Americanah (including a clever title!)
  • Explain the experience or interaction that inspired the post
  • Provide thoughts/insights about the race, gender, nationality, and/or sexuality implications of that experience
  • Refer to at least one of the essays we have read semester to help you clarify your thoughts/insights

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Sunday, 11/20 at 11:59 pm!

Blog 8 (due 11/10)

At one point in Americanah, Ifemelu thinks she is pregnant after having sex with Obinze for the first time. Reread this scene and write a blog post (250 words, minimum) that compares and contrasts her first experience with sex to either Esther’s experiences with sex or Celie’s experiences with sex.

Your post should:

  • Analyze Ifemelu’s first sexual experience with Obinze and its aftermath
  • Compare and contrast this sexual experience with Esther’s sexual experiences from The Bell Jar OR Celie’s sexual experiences from The Color Purple. How do they think about their own sexuality? What role do they play in their sexual experiences? What happens after their sexual experiences? How do they think/feel/react to the consequences of sex?
  • Use direct quotes from both of your chosen texts to support your comparison and contrast and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Sunday, 11/13 at 11:59 pm!

Blog 7 (due 11/3):

We have now read several chapters of Americanah. In a blog post of 250 words (minimum) you will analyze the text using the elements of fiction.

Your post should:

  • Focus on one of the following elements of fiction:
    • Settings (place, time, influence on the characters and the plot)
    • Characters (names, appearance, actions, round/flat, dynamic/static)
    • Point of view (first, second, third, omniscient, limited omniscient, objective, the effect of the point of view on the novel)
    • Symbolism (anything that suggests an abstract meaning to the reader in addition to its literal significance)
    • Style/Voice/Tone (the way the author uses language, the effect of that language use, the unstated attitudes of the text)
  • Provide a detailed analysis of your chosen element as it appears in the chapters we have read so far.
  • Use direct quotes from the text to support your claims, and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Sunday, 11/6 at 11:59 pm!


Blog 6 (due 10/20):

For Blog 6, you will be writing about The Color Purple. Choose one of the following questions and respond to it with a blog post of 250 words, minimum. Regardless of the question you choose, remember to use direct quotes from the text to support your claims and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

  1. Compare and contrast the characters of Celie and Sofia. How are they similar and how are they different? What factors contribute to their dominant traits?
  2. Choose one character and describe the various aspects of that character’s identity (age, race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.). How do these elements contribute to our understanding of the text’s theme(s)?
  1. One of the themes in The Color Purple focuses on is the link between violence, sexuality, and voice. Discuss the various ways these topics appear in The Color Purple and discuss any connections you find between the way the text treats sexuality, violence, and voice.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Sunday, 10/23 at 11:59 pm!


Blog 5 (due 9/29):

This week you are working on drafting your essay. For Blog 5, you will post your essay outline. We will be working on developing your thesis, burdens of proof, and evidence in class on Tuesday. You will then create a complete and detailed outline for your essay and post it here on Thursday, 9/29 by 11:59 p.m.

You do not need to comment on any posts this week!



Blog 4 (due 9/22):

What role does race play in this text, if any? This week we are talking about how second wave feminism made a lot of incorrect assumptions about how the experiences of white, middle class women represented the experiences of all women. Many intersecting factors impact ones experience of womanhood, including race. For this blog, you will examine the treatment of race in The Bell Jar. How does the text address issues of race? Does it ignore race? Does Esther exhibit any awareness of her privileged racial status? Trace the rare appearances of non-white racial references/images. Is there any pattern or meaning that you can associate with these instances?

This post should include:

  • An arguable claim about the text’s treatment of race (whether you think the text avoids race, addresses it in certain ways, or does something else).
  • An analysis of specific textual evidence supporting that claim.
  • A connection to the issues raised by the Combahee River Collective and/or Audre Lorde.
  • Use direct quotes from the text to support your claims, and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Sunday 9/25 at 11:59 pm!

Blog 3 (due 9/15):

Carefully read the passage about fear by Laura Franks in the side bar of page 51 of “Components of Gender.” Laura Franks is someone who has “refused to play gender games.” What do you think that means? What does that have to do with fear? Does Esther experience fear or discomfort when she does not properly perform the gender role that is expected of her by society? Does she ever choose to perform gender roles properly because of fear? For this blog post, you should discuss the issue of fear in relation to gender performance and make a connection between this concept and the experiences Esther describes in The Bell Jar.

This post should include:

  • An interpretation of the passage about fear by Laura Franks in “Components of Gender” that answers the questions above.
  • Choose and analyze a specific scene from chapters 10-15 in which Esther DOESN’T properly perform the gender role that is expected of her. OR choose and analyze a specific scene from chapters 10-15 in which Esther DOES properly perform the gender role that is expected of her.
  • An interpretation of her motivations and reactions and the reactions of others to her behavior.
  • Use direct quotes from the text to support your claims, and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Friday, 9/16 at 11:59 pm!

Blog 2 (due 9/8)

Consider the way The Bell Jar deals with the concept of “proper” femininity and the possibilities for Esther as a female growing up in mid-20th century America. Choose one of the other female characters in the novel (not Esther) and write a post of 250 words (minimum) describing them and analyzing what type of woman they are. What is their primary job? What things do they value? What are they interested in? What is their sexuality like? How does Esther perceive them? Do you think they represent a positive role for a woman, a negative role, or something else?

This post should include:

  • A description of a female character in The Bell Jar (not Esther)
  • An analysis of their characteristics, values, and interests
  • An interpretation of how Esther views them
  • A claim about your view of them as a female role model
  • Use direct quotes from the text to support your claims, and provide page numbers using MLA format for any quotations you include.

Remember to comment on at least two other posts by Friday, 9/9 at 11:59 pm!

Blog Post 1 (due 9/1 by 4:00 p.m.)

  • Create a post with your name as the title
  • In the text box, introduce yourself, give us your preferred pronouns (he/his, she/hers, they/theirs, ze/hirs, zie/zirs, something else), tell us your major/career interests, and one interesting thing about yourself
  • Include a picture of yourself or something that represents you
  • Comment on one other post by Friday 9/2 by 11:59 pm