Clara Muriel

   First things first, Hello! My name is Clara Muriel. Some people refer to me as Claire and/or Cookie Monster (due to my initials and favorite dessert). Feel free to use either, or, but please choose one. I was born and raised in New York City it is a privilege and an honor, but my nationality is Colombian. I am a very open minded person, I was taught to always be respectful towards anyone’s interest and views. The pronoun all of you may use is “her” and “she”, I will respect anyone’s choice in pronouns. Education and Career wise, this is my third semester in City Tech.  My passion is for animals and hope to slowly plan out my long route to becoming a Veterinarian. I own 2 dogs and a bunny. I also volunteer in a shelter during my free time. I know I will make mistakes in my life trying to reach my goal while balancing my other passion for traveling and seeing the world. But the best thing is to learn and adapt while growing to be a great human being and citizen of the world. I know that the only way to succeed my general goal is through education, even the subjects that may not exactly refer to my career choice. I hope while expanding my education in different ways, such as in a classroom setting or a flying from country to country to historical landmarks way. I will also learn more about myself and the different sides of myself that I may not even know exist.

nature horse ride (1)