Geannel Vargas

In Americanah the main character Ifemelu thinks that she is pregnant after having sex with her boyfriend Obinze and starts to be angry towards him. Ifemelu is encouraged to have sex with Obinze because he tells her “But, Ifem, we’re going to get married anyway” while encouraging her to have sex with no protection (Adiche, 114). When Ifemelu tells Obinze that she thinks that she is pregnant he states that is too soon to know and he seems to be confused (Adiche, 115). While getting the results at the doctors she seems to be upset at everyone, having this kind of worry seemed to stress her out and take out her frustration on everyone including the lab girl. Even with the results coming out negative, Ifemelu does seem to be relieved that she isn’t pregnant but has the courage to tell Obinze’s mother that they had sex.


In The Color Purple, the main character Celie experiences sex differently. In the beginning of the story we find out that Celie’s stepfather rapes her (Walker, 1). Celie thinks that she isn’t a good girl anymore due to the tragic things that she goes through with this man (Walker, 1). She asks god to show her a sign of what is happening to her to prove whether she deserves this or not (Walker, 1). Celie doesn’t really show whether she’s stood up for herself or not but it’s obvious that she just takes the pain. This sexual experience differs from Americanah because sex isn’t a choice for Celie, she doesn’t experience having the decision on when to have sex and with whom. This experience has an effect on Celie and makes it clear that she is afraid of men. When she gets beaten because she was accused of winking at a boy in church and states that she don’t even look at men but look at women since she isn’t afraid of them (Walker, 5). Celie is traumatized has she experiences pain physically and mentally.

3 thoughts on “Geannel Vargas

  1. I agree with you explanation. Ifemelu and Obinze did it on their own will though. The after math was a bit scary for her because she thought she was pregnant, however; Celie didn’t choose to have sex she was raped and impregnated by her father figure. And I think throughout the whole book, she doesn’t get the satisfaction of having sex. After she’s married she still has to do it with her husband, without a choice. They both had very different experiences.

  2. In the book the color purple her sex scence was called rape 🙁 and like Nabeela said even after she got married she never felt the difference between love and sex. Due to no protection she got pregnant from her rapist and thats something both characters had in common (no protection). Ifemelu and Obinze’s relationship is typically a common type of aftermath when young couples have no source of birth control.

  3. I completely agree that the circumstances for Celie and Ifemelu are completely different. Even though I do think Ifemelu was slightly pressured she could have always said no while Celie didn’t have a choice, which has lasting effects on how she views men.

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