Assignment 1 outline

Paper Topic: The Bell Jar essay assignment

  1. Introduction

Women’s role and place according to society back in the 1960’s

  1. Society’s expectations of woman’s role
  2. Definition of gender
  3. Definition of gender role (components of gender)

Second wave feminist

  1. What is it?
  2. How did it begin?
  3. What did they fight for?

Thesis Statement

The Bell Jar brings to light the situation of women in the 1960s and shows the reasons why the second wave feminist has fought long and hard for women rights.


Main Point: woman’s dissatisfactions (feminine mystique)

  1. females want more out of life
  2. she knows who she is and what she wants for her future ( no marriage)
  3. she wants a career ( 13 years of all A’s) and would not give it up to be a housewife
  4. she feels that marriage and children brainwashed a woman.
  5. Females being known as neurotic because they were not satisfied with being a wife and mother
  6. Buddy calling Esther neurotic (a person who wants two mutually exclusive things at the same time) because she wanted a career and maybe a family.
  7. Esther’s illness because she could not conformed to society’s expectations and gender role even though she was not wrong for wanting more out of life than just being a housewife.

Main Point:  Career advancement

  1. Mrs. Willard has married and leaves her career as a teacher.
  2. Dr. Nolan being a female psychiatrist at that period of time.
  3. Jay Cee being a married woman with a career being the head of the magazine.
  4. Esther conflicted about her career choice but sure she does not want to get married.

Main Point: Reproductive rights

  1. Against the law to have birth control pills: females were encouraged to leave work and stay home to have babies
  2. Dr. Nolan telling her the defense of chastity
  3. Esther is embarrassed to tell the real reason for her visit for her birth control pills by saying she is there for a fitting visit at the doctor’s office
  4. Esther wanting to have the freedom men has without worrying about pregnancy.

Main Point: Sexual double standard

  1. Buddy was not judged for losing his virginity
  2. Esther was being that Mrs. Willard could tell by staring hard at her to determine if she was a virgin or not
  3. Esther’s description of Doreen being compared to a black woman because of the misconception of black woman being sexually open.
  4. Irwin having different females’ friends.

III. Conclusion

The second wave feminist brings to light a lot of things that woman were not satisfied with even though they were taught to be happy with the life they have. The wave brings to light that they were not alone in their sentiment to want more

2 thoughts on “Assignment 1 outline

  1. Hi Stephanie, This is a fantastic outline! You really focused your thesis to make a clear and compelling argument about the book, and you have included specific instances from the text to support your claims. It is also nicely organized.

    I noticed that for your paragraphs on “female dissatisfaction” and “reproductive rights” you first include a claim about the problem as framed by second wave feminists. This is a fantastic way to set up your body paragraph argument (as long as your next sentence makes a clear point about the book in relation to the topic you begin with). However, your paragraphs on “career advancement” and the “sexual double standard” do not begin with a similar statement. I suggest adding a statement about the problem at the beginning of those paragraphs as well.

    Finally, as you are writing your draft, I want you to keep in mind that this essay is making an argument, *your* argument. Imagine that your reader would disagree with you and each paragraph should be devoted to convincing them of your claims using analysis of the text and logical argumentation. If you stay focused on this goal, it will help you move beyond summary to analysis.

    Nice work!

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