Dinesh Surujdeo

Jay Cee is a crucial character in the book, The Bell Jar. Jay Cee is the editor of the Ladies Day magazine and she is also Esther’s boss. Primarily, she acts as the role model for Esther. Esther idolizes Jay Cee due to the fact that Jay Cee is a career oriented and ambitious woman. While most other women at the magazine concern themselves with their physical appearance, Jay Cee is the opposite. Jay Cee isn’t very beautiful and has lack of fashion but carries self-confidence. Jay Cee is married to a man although she represents a self sustaining woman.Jay Cee and Esther share a common quality, they both greatly value their intelligence. As much as Esther looks up to Jay Cee, Jay Cee has also taken a liking to Esther and wishes to help Esther succeed. Jay Cee can read a couple of languages and advises Esther that learning new languages would be beneficial to her career development.“You ought to read French and German,” Jay Cee said mercilessly, “and probably several other languages as well, Spanish and Italian–better still, Russian. Hundreds of girls flood into New York every June thinking they’ll be editors. You need to offer something more than the run-of-the-mill person. You better learn some languages” (Plath33). Jay Cee is well respected by Esther. In my opinion, Jay Cee represents the type of woman that works hard and earns her success by herself. So its easy to see why Esther would aspire to be like Jay Cee. Most young woman are stereo typically expected to get married to a successful man and become a housewife but Jay Cee defies those expectations. Jay Cee represents a positive role model because she breaks away from what a woman should be. For Esther, Jay Cee is positive role model because of her marital status and her success

3 thoughts on “Dinesh Surujdeo

  1. I too believe that Jay Cee’s (hahaha not Jay Z) relevance cannot be understated. Here is a successful female in an era where to hold a position as high as hers was obviously rare Furthermore it can be inferred or argued that she did not sleep her way to the top and hence her success was most likely based on merit as she definitely was not a beauty. Yet there is also an element of care and concern that she shows to Esther as she recognizes Esther’s potential and that she (Esther) might have been cut of the same cloth as her and might well be experiences some of the same challenges that she (Jay Cee) might have had to overcome. In Jay Cee we see one of the few positive role models for not only for Esther but anyone in general. Hard work, a high level of proficiency and general compassion can stiill lead to success despite physical and cultural shortcomings.

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