
Hi, I’m Nancy Morales. Prefered pronouns are she/her. I am from Mexico but live in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, 21 years old and single (Fortunately). I recently changed my major from Liberal Arts to Human services because after 2 years I have finally decided what to do with my life. I enjoy helping people as much as I can. I hope that I can find a job at a hospital within my career field sometime in the future after I earn my Bachelor’s degree.

The current love of my life has been with me for about 3 years and a half, his name is Toby. He has the mind of a 24 year old, but he is actually 3 years old and he’s a Siberian husky. He’s very playful and friendly and enjoys being around children. I don’t have children of my own, but I can say that I consider him my child because I practically raised him and he’s always preferred to be with me than with anybody else. Toby is the best birthday present, so far. Below is a picture of him being a bit silly.


I feel like I don’t know much about females in general, and this is 1 reason why I’m taking Women’s studies this semester. My goal is to finish this semester with some knowledge about women’s rights in order to be informed and be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that I have. I’m also taking this course because I need it for my major and I hope to keep enjoying it as much as I have been this first week.

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