The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has a long and storied history of fighting injustice, intolerance
The ACLU was founded to ensure the promise of the Bill of Rights and to expand its reach to people historically denied its protections. In our first year, we fought the harassment and deportation of immigrants whose activism put them at odds with the authorities. In 1939, we won in the Supreme Court the right for unions to organize. We stood almost alone in 1942 in denouncing our government’s round-up and internment in concentration camps of more than 110,000 Japanese-Americans. And at times in our history when frightened civilians have been willing to give up some of their freedoms and rights in the name of national security, the ACLU has been the bulwark for liberty.
Mission Statement
Because Freedom Cannot Protect Itself
Garcia, in order to extra credit for this post, it should have included the following information:
Organization name
An image or video to help people understand the organization better
Area of focus
Phone number
Website (link)
Volunteer or activist opportunities there (be as specific as possible)
Since you only included some of the required information, you will get partial additional credit.