The Best Race and Sex In the World

Let me ask you a question what do you believe is the best race in the world ? Okay let me follow that up with what sex is superior ? Why do we base each other on the color of our skin rather than on one’s character that we are. How come people believe that one sex is superior to the the other. Who decided that Jesus was White or not could he not be Spanish or Asian. Why stop there why couldn’t Santa Claus be a women. We seem to separate each other when it should be the opposite because only together can we survive. For what reason do we have to put our background on a exam paper in high school shouldn’t it just be our name and id number. Were too focused on separating each other to see the big picture. A world in which our children won’t pretend to be a different background to be accepted. Where it’s not a dream but a reality that a woman became president. Being White should not make you feel superior and being Black should not make you feel inferior and vise versa. The people of this country have just elected a man who believes that believes in that sort of thing and I quote “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”  First off how he won is clear the United States are full of people who think or in other words don’t think that believe that based on someone background they are terrible and judge the actions and results of some against an entire group which is just plain wrong. Lorde’s “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference is a perfect example in which it writes “The oppressors maintain their position and evade their responsibility for their own actions.” Donald Trump and other like him are able to get away with saying stuff like this due to their status as not only being White but as being a male too. So I leave you with this what is the greatest race, I say the human race. It’s the only race that will hopefully be here in the next 100 years if we’re lucky enough to survive the next 4.

One thought on “The Best Race and Sex In the World

  1. Nice post, Ese! I like how your guided your reflection by posing a series of rhetorical questions. We may not have all of the answers yet, but the first step is asking those tough questions to get people to start thinking about the issues you raise.

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