Carol Cruz

As of late their seems to be more talk than usual regarding another person race or religion. This may be because of the new presidential elect Donald Trump. Throughout his election campaign Donal Trump has said some very racist things. Now if a normal person has said some of the things that Trump has said he would automatically be labeled a racist, however some people still don’t understand how Trump is being racist.

Trump has made some racist statements regarding specific races such as Mexicans. I feel as though Trumps racist comments have sparked more people to think that its okay to make Racist comments. An example I can think of this is that I was at work recently, I was a supervisor in a grocery store and a customer decided to verbally attack one of the cashiers. The customer felt that since the cashier them an attitude they had a right to tell them that “they couldn’t wait for Trump to become president and take care of her” I don’t think that it is ever appropriate to say something like that to a person. Just because some looks a certain way or has an accent doesn’t mean that they are a certain ethnicity. Not all Spanish people are the same, they don’t all come from the same country. Not all black people are the same or come from the same country.

People continue to pretend that race is not a major factor in day to day life. How can that be true when their is a racist president? When some races still feel superior to other? When others feel they can make a threat to another human being just because of their race? The more you look into it the more you may see some of the current hate crimes of people of certain races or religions may have come from the recent presidential’s own actions and the influences that he has on others.

One thought on “Carol Cruz

  1. I love the idea of diversity, but we somehow confuse seeing and appreciating diversity with being biased. It is our inability to think congregatively on a topic that is by its nature segregative. We cannot see difference without assigning a value system that in turn inhibits our ability to see that the whole is more important than its individual parts. We need to continue having our individual culture but be aware and accepting of others. I know it is not easy. I always tell people it is a matter of perspective, when you judge our make a statement from your perspective, how aware are you of the position you have taken up, from the point of view of the other person that you are judging. I admit it is a very complicated task and concept to comprehend. So my hope is that we as people find a way to more easily comprehend these higher levels of thought and actions.

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