Berline Gassant

We are all human beings, we may have different shades of color whether it may be brown, caramel, black or white we are all the same. I remember going to a meeting where there were all shades of races but instead of being together or mixed; each formed their own group with the same ethnic in each group, nobody different just all the same. I came into the meeting and realized how everyone was categorized by their ethnic groups but I decided to join any group. As I sat in this group I didn’t care if everyone seemed so much lighter than I was but others in the group did as they gave me funny looks or would even pretend I wasn’t even there. I knew why they were doing this but I didn’t let it bother me neither did I get up to join a group of  my ethnicity. I don’t see why its seen as such a big deal, why we are looked at as different when were really not. Society wants us to believe that we are all different and that its fine to just stay in our category but Its actually not because we are then just used to the same thing everyday when their are other cultures there to explore. Living in America all groups of ethnicity are all clammed together and there are many who dont mind blending in with other shades of people but there are also many who still do. The world is still a racist place but there are many things we can do ti change, even though it may seem impossible with having a soon to be racist president. If we come together we can make a change

4 thoughts on “Berline Gassant

  1. I am guilty of staying with my race something and I believe it comes from familiarity. You are comfortable when you are with people you know and doing things you know, so that’s where it comes from. Sometimes it is nit racism but familiarity. You are right about together we can make a change and only if we stand together for that change.

  2. One of the things I appreciate most about CUNY universities is its migrant diversity. I have made a conscious effort to seek out individuals that do not share my heritage. I take it as my responsibility to not only expand my intellectual knowledge in my chosen field of study but to expand and begin my knowledge of things that I am unfamiliar with. Initially I hated the college curriculum (even though I knew its purpose), which forced us to have a diverse knowledge foundation. My aim was to get my degree and b on my way. I realize how isolated my life was and the benefits of expanding and creating new comfort zones as I hope to break down existing restricting barriers I too must make the effort to remove barriers that I have also imposed on myself and others. Hopefully as such a small class we can get together, exchange numbers and find time to meet up as a group in the near future and continuing doing so.

  3. what a great heart felt blog, i really like the fact you were to indviualize yourself from the others, but yes like Stephaine said sometimes people prefer comfort rather than new experiences and thats an issue i see your trying to raise. If we all decide to stick with the same experiences, we will never see change and we will be doomed to repeat history over and over again. I agree with you we should as indivuals people should take the time out and explore the different cultural background’s people in different countries were planted in rather than the future effects of becomming close minded. And in some cases, many people who are effected by the cultral differences may be having suadial thoughts. Therefore, it’s best to never judge and encourging your soul to understand differences can be a revolution to such a beautiful thing.

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