Sexual experiences

Ifemelu’s sexual experience in Americanah was pleasant, it was actually with love and when Obinze and Ifemelu did it, it was pleasure and not rape or abuse. They were happy to do it as Obinze said “if it doesn’t work, then we will welcome Junior.”(Adichie 114) There was a fear of her being pregnant but not in a bad way. She said is he might find someone better but he was solid on keeping the baby if he got her pregnant.

Esther’s experience was a completely different, she actually prepared herself by getting a “fitting” done before going to the professor Irwin and actually having sex. She wasn’t scared of getting pregnant but after she had sex with the professor she bled a lot and had to go to the hospital to stop the bleeding. And after she was treated she sent the bill to Irwin and never saw him again.

In The Color Purple, Celie’s first sexual experience was very disturbing. Since it was her father figure and he warned her not to tell anyone by saying, “you better not tell no one but God, itll kill your mammy.” After she went through that experience, she was very lonely and isolated from the world. So she started to tell her story to God as she was told by her step- father. The aftermath was a mess too, she was pregnant twice and her children were given away.

Everyone’s sexual experiences are different, Ifemelu’s experience was joyful and Celie went through hell and it never got better for her. Even when she got married, that experience was also terrifying. Esther on the other hand found her liberation in her sexual experience.

One thought on “Sexual experiences

  1. Hi Nabeela, I’m glad that you mentioned that Celie was depressed after being raped and abused. Ifemelu had support from Obinze and Esther had support from Joan.

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