Ifemelu and Esther’s similar experience

Ifemelu and Obinze have been dating for a while and of course they had the sex talk with Obinze’s mother where Ifemelu promised she will talk to her when they are ready to have sex; however that did not happen. She also promised to use protection. Fast forward to chapter seven, while massaging Obinze, they started touching each other and they had unprotected sex. She feels confused by the suddenness of them having sex. She thought they would plan how and when they would do it for the first time. The narrator stated: “she did not want him to stop, but she had imagined this differently, assumed they would make a carefully planned ceremony of it (Adichie,114).” She feels it was a weak copy of what she imagined it would be. She felt shaken and a little disappointed by the “unplannedness of it”.  Ifemelu said: “it seemed somehow as though it had not been worth it at all (Adichie,115).” Then she thought she got pregnant when she was having pain. This is similar scene to Esther’s experience in The Bell Jar, except for her protecting herself with the birth control. Esther had wanted the freedom that men had when it comes to sex so she got birth control and went to have sex; however after having sex she did not feel the difference that she expected to see in herself. She thought she would be different but it was anything but that. Just like Ifemelu’s experience, Esther got sick except her case, Esther was bleeding a lot and she had to go the emergency room while Ifemelu went to clinic to get a pregnancy test. Ifemelu found out that she had appendicitis. It is interesting to see the similarity of their experiences that I did not see while reading the chapter.

4 thoughts on “Ifemelu and Esther’s similar experience

  1. I agree that both characters do experience the same feeling towards sex when they finally loose there virginities. Even with a different consequence that each character faces after having sex, they both question sex and the meaning behind it.

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