Dinesh S.

Chapter 7 in Americanah is important to the plot of the book because it highlights Ifemelu and Obinze’s relationship. It is the first time Ifemelu and Obinze have sex. Ifemelu starts giving Obinze a massage and then they having sex. But Obinze tells her that he is certain that they will get married so they decide not to use a condom. The moment was so spontaneous that Ifelmelu wished it was a more carefully planned. Afterwards, she feels a bit of discomfort and a bit disappointed because it was unplanned. She kept imagining how she would tell Obinze’s mother and how they should have planned it better. ” But now she could not see how. What would she say? What words would she use? Would Obinze’s mother expect details? She and Obinze should have planned it better; that way, she would know how to tell his mother. The unplannedness of it all had left her a little shaken, and also a little disappointed. It seemed somehow as though it had not been worth it after all” (Adiche115). It seems as though the sex is something that isn’t done freely but rather its done with caution. Sex is something she must be cautious about because the potential of marriage can arise from it. This is shown when she experienced the pregnancy scare. The vision of Obinze’s desire to marry and have children with Ifemelu seem realistic. For Esther in The Bell Jar, sex was different. She has adapted a lose and free attitude which is different from Ifemelu. She wants to have sex more than Ifemelu does and for her sex is something that she must do any at cost to achieve some sort of relief. The relief comes from escaping traditional chaste women. The main difference between the two character is that for Esther, sex can happen under any circumstances. For Ifemelu, sex has to planned out in order to make it more comfortable.

3 thoughts on “Dinesh S.

  1. I do agree that Esther seemed to value her virginity less than Ifemelu but she did seem to plan out her first time as well , with getting the diaphragm and being rather picky about the guy she chose

  2. I agree, Esther is more care free with sex, as she has more of a I want it attitude, where Ifemelu is looking for sex for love, so she wants to have it planned, as it is something she stresses out more about.

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