Geannel Vargas

In the book Americanah by Chimanda Ngozi Adichie, tells a story about a journey of a black women in America. The book is written in a third person point of view meaning that as readers we get to see the story from a narratives point of view. The narrator is both reliable and omniscient meaning the narrator has complete and unlimited knowledge on all of the characters and things involved in this story. This point of view doesn’t change even when the story changes perspectives within characters and when it changes in time within the present to the past. For example, when Obinze gets an email from Ifemelu saying that she is moving back to Nigeria and the narrator describes in detail his thoughts on the email. Adichie not only gets into a female view in the story but also gets into the male’s views as shown in this narration:

When Obinze first saw her e-mail, he was sitting in the back of his Range Rover in still Lagos traffic, his jacket slung over the front seat…… First, he skimmed the e-mail, instinctively wishing it were loner…… He read it again slowly and felt the urge to smooth something, his trousers, his shaved-bald head. She had called him Ceiling. In the last e-mail from her, sent just before he got married, she had called him Obinze, apologized for her silence over the years, wished him happiness in sunny sentences, and mentioned the black American she was living with. A gracious e-mail. He had hated it.  (Adichie, 23)

This narrative shows the thought process of a second character which reveals to the readers his personal emotions to the main character which is Ifemelu. This point of view gets the reader to get to know the characters involved and develop an interest in what happens to them.

2 thoughts on “Geannel Vargas

  1. i had also said Omniscient, i also believe the narrator is well aware of the character’s thinking because i myself is well aware of their thinking, and i can back this statement up by using context clues from the book.

  2. This is a thoughtful analysis of POV! However, I think the 3rd person narrator is limited omniscient rather than omniscient. They have access to Ifemelu and Obinze, but we don’t know the thoughts of anyone else!

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