Mario hall

The character I chose to write about is Celie. Celie is the main character of The Color Purple. We learn that Celie is living a very rough life. She is a black girl growing up in the 1930’s. Her father made her leave school even though she liked it, so Celie is not the smartest. Her younger sister seems to be smarter than her. Celie is 20 years old and has already suffered in life; she was raped by her father and she disliked the man she married. Her father made her give up both of the babies she had. Celie is a black woman and she appears to be poor. She has caring qualities that make her a good wife to a man. Celie is described by Mr as being ugly, Mr clearly wants Celie sister Nettie. Celie is shown to be very unhappy with Mr. He does not treat her right and he is cheating on her. Celie only wanted to marry Mr because he wanted to keep her away from her sister. Celie says in the book that she thinks all the men that she sees look alike. She did not appear to care for men much, she said she was scared of them. This could be due to her being raped by her father. Celie did she was more attracted to females, since she didn’t fear them. That is how she becomes infatuated with Shug Avery. Celie thinks she is the most beautiful person she has ever seen. Knowing how Celie lives helps us understand the pain she is going through. We feel connected to the violence and sex she has to endure through the book. Since we know her struggles we feel a sense of accomplishment when she finally stands up to Mr.

3 thoughts on “Mario hall

  1. I agree with all the attributes you discussed regarding Celie, and even though she endured all these hardships she still finds the strength to eventually fight for her dignity.

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