Geannel Vargas

In the book The Color Purple has many themes between violence, sexuality and voice. One of the themes that stand out the most is sexuality; within the first page of the book the main character introduces the fact that she is raped from her father. This quote shows an example how sexuality is shown in this story, “Just say You gonna do what your mammy wouldn’t. First he put his thing up gainst my hip and sort of wiggle it around…. He start to choke me. saying You better shut and git used to it” (Walker, 1). Sexuality in this book is referred to rape against the main character as she has no control of the situation. The story starts off as the girl thinking that she has always been a good girl but now she doesn’t think that she is due to the fact that she is getting raped from her father. The next theme of the book is violence. This quote shows an example on how violence is shown in the story, “He beat me today cause he say I winked at boy in church. I may have got something in my eye but I didn’t wink” (Walker, 5). Violence in this book is shown to the main character as if she is a bad person. This quote refers back to her thinking that she isn’t a good girl but her father shows her otherwise. The final theme of the book is voice. This quote shows an example on how voice is shown in the book, “Well, He say, real slow, I can’t let you have Nettie. She too young……But I can let you have Celie. She the oldest anyway.” (Walker, 7). This quote shows that the main character doesn’t have a say or a right to her own voice. The story shows that this takes place in a time period that females didn’t have a right to their own opinions or had a say in anything, the book was written in 1982 as it was a time of the women’s rights movement.



2 thoughts on “Geannel Vargas

  1. The scene with him just offering up Celie for marriage is such a good example of her having no voice. Just by the way they were talking about her and she knew better than to say anything shows that she really has no say in her own life.

  2. I agree that Celie represents the theme of voice in the book because she finds staying silent is the way to surviving and that either way like you said she didn’t have a right to her own voice anyways.

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