Dinesh Surujdeo

3) In The Color Purple, some of the reoccurring themes present early on are violence, sexual violence, sexuality and ones voice. In the first letter Celie writes to God and she in the letter she writes about getting raped by her stepfather. This is one example of violence early on and shows that as the book progresses Celie will be facing a lot of violence. Another example of violence towards Celie happens in her fifth letter. “He beat me today cause he say i winked at a boy in church”.(Walker5) This is the first example of domestic violence and one can predict that this will affect Celie to becoming a stronger and more vocal person. Her voice will become a stronger theme in the book. She is fond of Shug Avery. She believes Shug is a beautiful and gorgeous and she dreams about Shug Avery. This shows a bit of her sexuality because she seems attracted to Shug Avery. The book treats the themes of sex and violence in an addressing manner by bringing it up multiple times. In a another letter, Celie says, “He beat me like he beat the children. Cept he don’t never hardly beat them”(Walker22). In this instance, the book addressed violence by showing how often Celie gets beat and this time by a different man.

4 thoughts on “Dinesh Surujdeo

  1. Even though we read just a little of the book I can still feel her pain. The way that we see her try her best in this world that won’t let up is powerful. She was being abused by her step father, lost her kids and is not taking care of another women kids while still getting beat by a man who this time is her husband. Yet through all of that she still writes to god.

  2. I believe that the most important theme is violence because it takes different forms including verbal, sexual and physical. After reading the first few pages, I was immediately shocked and saddened by the way Celie was treated.

  3. I thought this was a beautiful interpretation of reoccurring themes. I do agree, Celie’s voice will get stronger as the book progresss.

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