Clara Muriel

In the book The Bell Jar by Alice Walker, the main character Celie, suffers throughout her journey. She is raped by her step-father and forced into a marriage where she is also mistreated. And constantly forced into tasks and things she does not want to do. Even when she is constantly told to fight, she does not in fear of men. Her stepson Harpo falls in love with a girl named Sofia, who is almost completely the opposite of her. But they are alike in the ways they grew up and suffered under the same circumstances. Both women are seen as minors, both women were not allowed an education. Although Sofia was a fighter, she always fought her brothers and when Harpo raised his hand to beat her she had to fight him. For example “I love Harpo, she say. God knows I do. But I’ll kill him dead before I let him beat me”(Walker, pg40). She did not hesitate to beat him and fight for her respect ,even against the man she loved. Unlike Celie who constantly takes beatings and does everything that is told of her. Furthermore, “I ain’t never struck a living thing, I say..I think. I can’t remember the last time I felt mad, I say”(Walker, pg41). Due to the constant suppression she suffered all her life. Celie does not fight but on the other hand Sofia always fought. Sofia had to fight for the respect she knew she deserved. Even in a time where women were not seen as equals and women were taught to accept that belief. Sofia knew different and fought, Celie knows but chooses to not fight. In conclusion, both women took everything that was forced upon them and had different outcomes.

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