Celie and Sofia

In “The Color Purple” the two characters that we are introduced to is that of Celie and Sofia. They both have similarities and differences. They are both young black girls living in Georgia with husband who “beat” them. Sofia is a fighter unlike Celie, she doesn’t let anyone push her around regardless of who you are. She rejects the position she was dealt which is that of the black woman during this time when they were not equal to whites and were not treated on the same level as their husbands. She is also fierce and daring by not living under the rule of her husband. She fights back multiple times when Harpo tries to get her to do something like stay home instead of going to her sister. While compared to Celie who let’s not only her husband beat her his kids walk all over her. Sofia is a devoted mother and follows Mr. word for word while Celie does whatever she wants with no remorse. While Celie may not be as strong as her she continues to hold on despite all the struggles she faces which shows that they both won’t give up until the bitter end.

Celie feels worthless and has low self-esteem while Sofia self esteem is through the roof. An example of this is when she when to go meet her baby father dad. It writes on page 27 “Young womens no good these days, he say. Got they legs open to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Harpo look at his daddy like he never seen him before. But he don’t say nothing. Mr. _____ say, No need to think I’m gon let my boy marry you just cause you in the family way. He young and limited. Pretty gal like you could put anything over on him. This shows that even though Mr. is looking down on Celie for getting pregnant by his son she is still standing up for herself and does not care what he says as she is brave and outspoken. She laughs off his comments and even asks for water instead of being in a hurry after her future father in law didn’t give her his full  blessings. Also in the novel it writes on page 29 in my version “I like Sofia, but she don’t act like me at all. If she talking when Harpo and Mr. _____ come in the room, she keep right on.If they ast her where something at, she say she don’t know. Keep talking.”. This shows us that whatever the men have going on does not affect her in anyway. While if they were to ask Celie a question or ask where something was she would jump up and get right to it due to her fear and being unable to stand up for herself.

Celie is tame due to all the abuse she has faced in her life so far by getting rape by her step father and having her two children taken from her to now she is willing to accept the abuse. Sofia is the opposite she is combative and proud. She doesn’t let anyone abuse her or feel lower then anyone regardless of gender. Sofia is a leader who does not compromise herself for others.

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