Carol Cruz

       Hi everyone! My name is Carol Cruz. I identify as a heterosexual female and my preferred pronouns are her/she. I currently work in a grocery store while going to school. I’m an assistant front end manager which just means I stand around all day giving over rides to cashiers all day, unless it gets busy (as it always is) and I end up wanting to rip my hair out either because of the customers or the store managers.

       I am in my second year at city tech and I just chose to major in accounting. Since city tech only has an associates program in accounting I’m currently looking at other schools to receive my bachelors from wether I transfer before or after I get my associates. I would like to eventually get my masters in accounting. I aspire for a career as a corporate controller. This job would include preparing the company taxes, looking over the budget and setting financial goals.

       As stressful as school, work and just life in general is, I get to come home to my pride and joy Hikari. Hikari is my beautiful cat that I found in my backyard (we started feeding his mother when we noticed she was pregnant). My family has always had cats since I was growing up. We already had Max which was also a rescue so when I saw the two kittens in the back which would later be names Hikari and Moxie (my sisters) I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Did you know baby kittens have to be fed, burped and stimulated to use the bathroom every two hours? I have never regretted the decision to take in the kittens as they have brought joy to everyone they meet with their different personalities and just the fact that they’re adorable. 


Geannel Vargas

Hey guys! My name is Geannel Vargas. I would prefer any female pronouns like she or hers. This is my second year in New York City College of Technology studying Fashion Marketing; I will be getting my Associates very soon. I’m in this major because fashion has always been a part of me. Since young I went to many Arts schools and learned that throughout each Art I studied or majored in I still looked up to Fashion as my favorite. In High School I majored in Dance, which was an advantage for me because I would always help my dance teacher pick out the costumes for each show and number that we had. Not only did I help put together shows but I also made sure everyone looked their best while they performed, which I enjoyed doing. Before choosing my career path I realized maybe I should see what Fashion is really about and see where it takes me. Now that I studied my major a bit, I came to the conclusion that I would like to become a wardrobe consultant or a stylist. I noticed that I love to help those who want to look their best and I feel like I have that talent. While studying at City Tech I enjoy to share the same interest with many others in my major, as it is motivating for me to get to where I want to be. I guess you can tell already that I’m a very ambitious person and go for what I want no matter what it takes. I look forward to learning a lot in Women’s Studies and to share our perspectives on the subject. The picture I’m sharing is from a Christmas show that I performed with my senior cohort in High School, you can see that The Nutcracker was the theme of our show.IMG_4889


Hi, I’m Nancy Morales. Prefered pronouns are she/her. I am from Mexico but live in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, 21 years old and single (Fortunately). I recently changed my major from Liberal Arts to Human services because after 2 years I have finally decided what to do with my life. I enjoy helping people as much as I can. I hope that I can find a job at a hospital within my career field sometime in the future after I earn my Bachelor’s degree.

The current love of my life has been with me for about 3 years and a half, his name is Toby. He has the mind of a 24 year old, but he is actually 3 years old and he’s a Siberian husky. He’s very playful and friendly and enjoys being around children. I don’t have children of my own, but I can say that I consider him my child because I practically raised him and he’s always preferred to be with me than with anybody else. Toby is the best birthday present, so far. Below is a picture of him being a bit silly.


I feel like I don’t know much about females in general, and this is 1 reason why I’m taking Women’s studies this semester. My goal is to finish this semester with some knowledge about women’s rights in order to be informed and be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that I have. I’m also taking this course because I need it for my major and I hope to keep enjoying it as much as I have been this first week.


  • Good afternoon,

my name is Stephanie Chapusette. I am a teller supervisor at a bank while completing my last semester in the Health Services Administration program. It is a little bit harder this semester because I am a full time worker and a full time student with a family to take care of; however I am going to make it work regardless of everything that is going on.

Surprisingly, I got interested in this career path because of all the paperwork that is involved because I like writing, where most people do not like it. You will notice that take notes in class because I learn best by taking notes. I hope to find  a job at a hospital after completing my program. I am a very nurturing person, however I do not like having someone’s life in my hand which why my goal as a heath service administrator would be to make people get the proper care at the lowest cost possible.

I am also a mother of a five month old baby who would lighter any one’s day with a smile like in this picture. This baby is the joy of my life. IMG_2248

I already mentioned that I like writing and I also love reading. Reading is my favorite past time, therefore I am really looking forward to this class. My goal is to learn more about the women’s rights that we take for granted today that most females did not have back in the days or still today do not have  in some countries in the world.



Barbados_Map Beach_RunnersHello, my name is Garcia and I am sorry that I will be disappointing a few people but I am not at all Hispanic. I identify as a heterosexual male and as such think it is appropriate that I be referred to by the common male pronouns.

I am currently completing my BT in Computer Systems Technology with only the final workplace (internship/ job) requirement remaining. I work in construction as an architectural millwork installer. That is just a fancy name for the peron who installs all of the wood trimmings, cabinets, shelves, doors etc for high end ( rich) detailed obsessed clients. It is a great paying job but after more than ten years and with varying interest I think I am ready for management or a career change. I expect to continue school an have enrolled this semester in the Construction Management syllabus. Unfortunately, due to my packed class schedule and other interests, I am not available to help you fellow students with your house improvement projects (unless you are secretly rich).

As you can tell, or at least I hope you can, I have a keen sense of humor. Nonetheless I like intelligent, social conscious conversations. Before I forget. I am originally from Barbados and have been living here way too long. I however return multiple times a year but would love to travel to other countries.

I am looking forward to having my fellow classmates jump into class discussions and make this course a memorable and informative one.