Geannel Vargas

In the book The Bell Jar, Doreen is a character that is introduced as this beautiful female that can get any guy that she wants. Doreen is from a society girlsā€™ college down south (Plath, 4). Doreen is described to be this girl form the South that has her hair compared to cotton candy fluff and her blue eyes transparent like agate marbles (Plath, 4). When Doreen is funny and kind of witty but is also very mature for her age as she wears lace and nylon gowns to sleep and smoke cigarettes compared to the other girls that just wear regular cotton summer nighties (Plath, 5). Doreenā€™s primary job wasnā€™t talked about in the book but as in the things she values you can tell that sheā€™s up for any adventure but when it comes to men she seems to be blinded. Doreenā€™s interest seems to be mostly men so far. Esther perceives Doreen as a good friend in the beginning of the book but later on when she notices that Doreen flakes out on the activities meant for the girls to be with some guy she realizes her friendship with her. Esther seems unhappy that Doreen treats her like that as in she only comes to her when she needs something or is bored. Doreen represents the opposite role for a woman that was looked up to at that time, even though she had the appearance of the role of being skinny, blonde and blue eyed but she seems to speak to many guys which was something I donā€™t believe woman did back then was speak to many guys. In Chapter 9, a guy does reference that Doreen and Esther as ā€œslutsā€ (Plath 109). He is only judging Esther by the actions of Doreen, like if she friends with a slut she might be on herself.

Carol Cruz

Mrs. Greenwood, Esther’s mother seems to portray the concept of ā€œproperā€ femininity for the mid 20ā€™s. It appears, from Estherā€™s description of her mother being upset when herĀ  husband died and didn’t leave any money to support them, that she was a homemaker after she got married. Iā€™m assuming this because it was never clarified, or I canā€™t find the part where it was. After her husband passes away she has to get a job to support herself and her children. She ends up teaching typing and short hand at the college. Estherā€™s mother seems to value the virtue of a woman. She believes that a woman should still be ā€œpureā€ until they are married. She even goes so far as to send Esther a article in which the main point is that ā€œonly marriage can bring the two worldsā€ of a womanā€™s and manā€™s emotions together. Based off of this I would assume that Mrs. Greenwood hasnā€™t been intimate since her husband passed away since she hasnā€™t been remarried. Mrs. Greenwood seems to be very interested in Estherā€™s life. She seems proud of the fact that her daughter is getting an education and is doing well at that. At times she does seem concerned that it isnā€™t enough however. Esther seems to only tolerate her mother. She seems to be very annoyed with little things her mother does like the fact that her mother wants her to learn short hand or even how she breathes while she is sleeping. She even states that she tries not to live under the same roof as her mother for more than a week. I think that she portrays a positive female role in the fact that she wants the best for her kids and works hard to support them. I don’t however think she would be a positive role for women with her beliefs in the differences between sexuality for men and women. I donā€™t think it is a healthy way to look at the topic and wouldn’t want others to be influenced by the way she feels about the topic.

My Introduction


Good Morning All,

My name is Sabrina Manuel-Folk, my preferred pronouns are he and him. I was born and raised in Far Rock away, Queens and now reside in Yonkers, NY. I have two children Darrick and Rashari, and a wonderful supportive husband by the name of Darryl Folk. I love music and dancing. My goal for my future is advancement in a prominent career in Computer Systems. What I hope to attain from the college is assortment of knowledge that I can absorb and relate it to my future endeavor’s. I feel already I’m surrounded by a group of extraordinary people and I hope to learn a lot from you’ll.

Berline Gassant

Hello everyone! My name is Berline but you can just call me Bee. My preferred pronouns are she and hers. I’m originally from Brooklyn but both my parents are from Haiti, so I’m also Haitian and do speak some creole. My major is Nursing and for many reasons. One is that I love caring for those who are in need and I’m really looking forward to caring for the little ones. I absolutely love and adore babies, so I’m really excited about my future as a pediatric nurse, in God’s willing. Besides loving babies I also have a love for music and dancing. Dancing is one of the many things I do on my spare time and sometimes all the time. I mostly do Hip Hop but I also enjoy other styles of dancing, I find it to be very relaxing and stress free. Besides this class I’m also taking philosophy, history, and public speaking which brings me to one of the things I dislike and that is speaking in public. I do happen to be a shy person, so I would get really nervous when it comes to speaking in front of a crowd. Being not only in my public speaking class but also in this class I hope to overcome this fear. Everyone seems very nice and since they’re only a few of us in the class, it shouldn’t be so hard. I also hope to gain a lot of knowledge about women rights and the many roles they played to be where we are today.Well I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and hope we all have a great

ShuLing Ruan

Hi everybody, my name is Shu Ling Ruan. And my friend also calling me Suki. I am a person that is lively, cheerful, warm, optimistic, progressive, interested in a broad, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, serious responsible, determination, hard, have the courage to meet new challenges. When I was 16 years old, I got a problem aboutĀ  which high school I should go, bilingual or not. When my mother know this news, she have a long talking with me to try found out what I want. However, I decide to go to High school for Dual Language and Asian Studies cause I want myself not to forget Chinese. And I think this can help me of my future work because I want to work on a hotel, I will accept a lot of different kind of people, Chinese may help me to trade with the costumers who speak Chinese. And I am a full time student of New York City College of Technology, my major is Hospitality Management. And I my interest is own a bakery after I finish my college. My preferred pronouns are to be called she/her. I was move to New York with my whole family when I was 14 years old since it was a raining night and Christmas Eve. I have a 4 years old cat call Macy and a 5 years old bunny call Baby.


Ese Abamwa

Hello everyone my name is Ese yes that is how you spell it and I have heard of all the jokes. I live in the Bronx and my preferred pronouns are ā€œhe/his.ā€This will by my 3rd year here at NYCCT. My major was computer engineering but soon realize that it was not me. Iā€™m very interested in transferring for a number of reasons but canā€™t at the moment. I really enjoy not having classes on Friday again and what I donā€™t enjoy is having a 8:30 class again.This class was one of many courses suggested and since I usually do well in in English I choose to take it. I will be taking Biology and Spanish this semester so if you have any advice on either subject I will gladly accept hearing about it. As I can see from everyone posts most of you have pets unfortunately I was not blessed enough to get one. Iā€™m the oldest of three and the only boy. My goal toward the end of this course to not only get a good grade but also have a better understanding on the history of womenā€™s rights in order to be more informed on their current efforts.Lastly I hope we can get along for this course and look forward to getting to know you all.

Ps.If you have an early class and need to kill time let me know I have a class that ends at 11.15 and donā€™t want to be bored.

Camera shy so here is a picture of a rabbit


Clara Muriel

Ā  Ā First things first, Hello! My name is Clara Muriel. Some people refer to me as Claire and/or Cookie Monster (due to my initials and favorite dessert). Feel free to use either, or, but please choose one. I was born and raised in New York City it is a privilege and an honor, but my nationality is Colombian. I am a very open minded person, I was taught to always be respectful towards anyoneā€™s interest and views. The pronoun all of you may use is ā€œherā€ and ā€œsheā€, I will respect anyoneā€™s choice in pronouns. Education and Career wise, this is my third semester in City Tech. Ā My passion is for animals and hope to slowly plan out my long route to becoming a Veterinarian. I own 2 dogs and a bunny. I also volunteer in a shelter during my free time. I know I will make mistakes in my life trying to reach my goal while balancing my other passion for traveling and seeing the world. But the best thing is to learn and adapt while growing to be a great human being and citizen of the world. I know that the only way to succeed my general goal is through education, even the subjects that may not exactly refer to my career choice. I hope while expanding my education in different ways, such as in a classroom setting or a flying from country to country to historical landmarks way. I will also learn more about myself and the different sides of myself that I may not even know exist.

nature horse ride (1)


Hello everyone,

My name is Nabeela Ahmad, I also go by Nabii. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My family is originated from Pakistan and migrated to the United States in 1985. I was raised with five men in my house (my uncles) and I was the first girl after a very long time. So growing up I always dressed and acted like a boy. Slowly that changed because of the environment and because my sister was born. I am a full time employee as an analyst at a Bankruptcy firm and a part time student. I stopped attending college because I was never a school person but as I grew older, I realized the importance of education and that made me start college again. My preferred pronouns are “she/her.” I had two electives left to fulfill in order to accomplish my associate degree in liberal arts and sciences. I am always interested in English/literature, therefore; I choose Women studies as one of the electives.Ā So far I am liking the class but the presentation part scares me a bit. I haven’t gotten to know anyone yet but everyone seems nice in their own way. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Besides work and college, I have a hobby of doing henna tattoos and try different makeup looks on myself and my friends. For those of you who donā€™t know what henna is, itā€™s a green paste that we put on leave to dry and washes off to an orange to red-ish color. I also love baking, I started baking when I was 17 and still enjoy it.

Thatā€™s all for now.

Thank you,


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Suchii R.

Hello my fellow classmates, I am at the age of 19 and I was born in the country of Bangladesh. I currently live in Harlem on west 125th street. My preferred pronouns are to be called she/her. This is my third semester in NYC of Technology and I expect to be graduating by my fourth semester with an associateā€™s degree majoring in the Liberal Arts and Arts department. However, with a lot thought I finally was able to choose my designation and it is to become an early childhood educator. Therefore, I am choosing to further my education and start my bachelorsā€™ degree in City College. Something interesting about myself is Iā€™m not a quitter. No matter how hard things are, no matter the journey, I am willing to lose sleep forever if itā€™s meant for a successful future. Even though I donā€™t have any kids yet, my motive behind this are for them.


Dinesh Surujdeo

Hello, my name is Dinesh Surujdeo and my preferred pronoun can be anything but he/his would suffice. I am a second year student here at City Tech. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology. At the end on this year, i will get the associates degree, however my overall goal is to get my masters in Mechanical Engineering. I plan to transfer at the end of the year to another school. Right now i am deciding between City College or Farmingdale State to get my masters. My career choice of engineering was influenced by the fact that like working with my hands. I find that I do my best work when I work with my hands. I love working with cars especially since my dad works with Lexus. The picture is of a 2006 Mitsubishi Evo I had been working on with some car enthusiast friends.20150613_142001

I was originally born in Guyana and my family moved to New York when I was seven years old. Since then, i grew up in Queens. One thing I love as much or even more at times than cars is sports. I am naturally attracted to my county’s sport of cricket(most American haven’t heard of it). It is a big part of my family and I grew up with it. I played it all four years of high school. But growing up in Queens, I i fell in love with basketball and especially football. My favorite teams are the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Giants respectively.Ā  I like to exercise and workout on a regular basis.

I am a very easygoing person. I am also ambitious and dedicated to becoming a successful engineer. I enjoy making my friends and family laugh.