
Paper Topic:  An interpretation and analysis of The Bell Jar

  1. Introduction- The Bell jar Is a book by Sylvia Plath in which we follow the journey of a young woman named Esther. A woman who seems like has a lot going on for herself. We soon see how far off the edge she really is. Most of her relationships with men usually go south and causes her to go into deep depression and think of suicide as her only way out. Males in Esther Greenwood life have a real affect on her even if she knew them for a day. She has mental breakdowns throughout the story and thinks and discuss with others ways to kill himself.


  1. EVALUATE the actions that she took when something happen
  2. VISIT the pages that highlight what she was thinking in this exact moment
    1. Note the way they treated her and how they could affect anyone
    2. Look for interesting facts to show how after then happen it lead to this event next


  1. Describe the men in her life
    1. Buddy the one that everyone wants her to be with.
    2. Marco the one who tries to have his way with her
    3. DR. GORDON the one who she sees for help
    4. Lenny Shepherd a guy who payed someone to talk to Esther so he can talk to Doreen


  1. What they did to her
    1. Talk about how everyone sees this man for who he really is not
    2. Talk abou the last night in NY
    3. List her experience with the doctor
    4. She felt inferior to Doreen

We deal with her struggles as a woman in America during the 1950s.  The restricted role of women of that time was not pleasant. We see that her relationship with the men she meets in her life usually ends badly. They either try to get with her friend or try and have their way with her. The men she ends up with affects her mindset each and everytime. They try and have play a role but she just won’t.

One thought on “Outline

  1. HI Ese, your thesis that “Most of her relationships with men usually go south and causes her to go into deep depression and think of suicide as her only way out. Males in Esther Greenwood life have a real affect on her even if she knew them for a day” is interesting and much stronger after we spoke about it!

    As far as your outline, instead of saying what you will do (like “Look for interesting facts”), you should actually list the evidence you will use. What are the facts from the book that can support what you are saying? You will have a stronger outline if you do that work first.

    As far as the organization of your essay, I recommend dedicating a body paragraph to each male relationship. That means the “Describe the men in her life” section should actually be combined with the “What they did to her” section. In other words, have a body paragraph describing her relationship with Buddy and analysing what he did to her and how it cause her mental health to decline. Then do another body paragraph describing her relationship Marco and analyzing wht he did to her and how it caused her mental health to decline. Do this for all of the male characters you list.
    In other words, your argument is a good one. Your task now is organization of the essay so that every body paragraph has a clear and direct function in supporting your argument.

    I’m looking forward to reading your draft on the 13th!

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