Sabrina M.

My interpretation of how I think Esther feels regarding African American’s is conflicted. My feelings regarding this matter go as follows: Esther is heavily sedated, and under the influence of psych medication, in which is distorting her rational mindset and has her acting irrationally. Secondly, there is know mention of people of color in this book, with the exception of this interaction with this black man in the asylum.

Now with that being said, I can translate her behavior as her not knowing how to interact with African American’s due to fact their presence is non-existing her daily routines of life, or I can see if from another perspective, and come to the conclusion this behavior is inherited and been instilled in her upbringing. She may have been taught that the black race does not deserve her respect, and that is why mistreated the man. Regardless, to the fact all he was trying to do was help her, all she saw was that he was a Negro.

The period these events take place where a dark time for black people even though it was the late 50’s. African American’s endured server and demoralizing practices of systematic racism.  The passage is so short in reference to her dealing with someone outside of her race, that it is somewhat premature to make an assumption on what she was actually thinking. Esther is dealing with so many of her demons that I believe at that time in her life anyone could have been subjected to unstable behavior from her. I would really have to read about her engaging with another African American to come to a valid assessment of how she feels about race.

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