The role that race play in this text to me is that it really did not play a big part in this story. I only recall race playing a part and even then it was a small one. We had Esther in the private hospital where she encounter an African American staff member who she refers to as “the Negro.” During this scene we do not see any political correctness from Esther part. She describes the helper as “Negro” instead of “African American” or “Black” which is understandable due the time the story is told is from the 1950’s. This text does not ignore race it’s just that it’s not that big of concern in this story. Though the story we follow Esther and we see characters the way she see them and her life though her eyes. In the text she does exhibit her any awareness of her privileged racial status. She does this by her way of living we see that compare to the way most people would live she and the other girls in the home were spoiled. She is not that wealth compared to those in the home but to the outside world it would look like that with all the free stuff she received over time. During her time in the asylum she had encounter non-white people and there and we saw how she reacted to it. In her time at the asylum we see her privileged racial status. When it is time to eat Esther decides to rise from the table, passing round to the side where the nurse couldn’t see her below the waist, and behind the Negro who was at the time doing his job which is clearing the dirty plates and draw her foot back and gave him a sharp, hard kick on the calf of the leg. His response was naturally which was leaping away with a yelp and rolling his eyes at her. He told Esther “You shouldn’t of done that, you shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t.”( Pg. 96) but her response was that of someone who knew the difference in power “That’s what you get,”( Pg. 96) . That shows us that in her mind set she had to go through all that trouble of hiding from the nurse just to kick someone because she knew nothing would happen from it she is of a higher class than high therefore she is above him and acts like it. In the article “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference” Lorde writes “Refusing to recognize difference make it impossible to see the different problems and pitfalls facing us as women”. If everyone does not look at other people’s perspective then we will forever be in an endless cycle that will keep going. Esther is many things but she is also someone like others during this time look down on people. Esther is not only white but also woman and for her to use her status to hurt someone doing their job is wrong. Though the story she had mostly keep her dislike to herself but this time she decide to get physical and that is just wrong.
That interaction with the helper also made me realize the same thing as you. It’s just crazy that even though she’s in an Asylum she still chooses to treat him wrong because of color.