My Introduction


Good Morning All,

My name is Sabrina Manuel-Folk, my preferred pronouns are he and him. I was born and raised in Far Rock away, Queens and now reside in Yonkers, NY. I have two children Darrick and Rashari, and a wonderful supportive husband by the name of Darryl Folk. I love music and dancing. My goal for my future is advancement in a prominent career in Computer Systems. What I hope to attain from the college is assortment of knowledge that I can absorb and relate it to my future endeavor’s. I feel already I’m surrounded by a group of extraordinary people and I hope to learn a lot from you’ll.

3 thoughts on “My Introduction

  1. Hi Sabrina! Be sure to categorize your posts so your classmates and I can find and read them. To categorize this post,, click “edit” then look on the right side of the screen, check “blog 1” and then click “update.”
    Let me know if you have any questions!

  2. Hey Sabrina, what kind of music are you into? I listen to alot of Hip hop and Reggae, Computer Systems is a great field, Im considering to switch to it from the field im in now (computer science) how are you liking that field so far?

    • Hi Jay, I apologize for taking so long to respond back to your response.. I appreciate all music but my preference is R&B, 90’s Hip Hop more so then this era. Computer Systems has its moments, but as a progress in this area it is becoming more and more interesting. If your passionate for information systems than I agree with your decision to change your major.

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