Berline Gassant

Hello everyone! My name is Berline but you can just call me Bee. My preferred pronouns are she and hers. I’m originally from Brooklyn but both my parents are from Haiti, so I’m also Haitian and do speak some creole. My major is Nursing and for many reasons. One is that I love caring for those who are in need and I’m really looking forward to caring for the little ones. I absolutely love and adore babies, so I’m really excited about my future as a pediatric nurse, in God’s willing. Besides loving babies I also have a love for music and dancing. Dancing is one of the many things I do on my spare time and sometimes all the time. I mostly do Hip Hop but I also enjoy other styles of dancing, I find it to be very relaxing and stress free. Besides this class I’m also taking philosophy, history, and public speaking which brings me to one of the things I dislike and that is speaking in public. I do happen to be a shy person, so I would get really nervous when it comes to speaking in front of a crowd. Being not only in my public speaking class but also in this class I hope to overcome this fear. Everyone seems very nice and since they’re only a few of us in the class, it shouldn’t be so hard. I also hope to gain a lot of knowledge about women rights and the many roles they played to be where we are today.Well I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and hope we all have a great

4 thoughts on “Berline Gassant

  1. Had to return the favor it’s also nice to meet you and I also have a love for music like Hip-Hop also let’s get along.

    Ps. Great picture by the way hope everything goes well this semester I taken public speaking and got through it so you can too.

  2. Hey Bee, I completely understand hating public speaking. I took it in my last semester and was so nervous for the first few speeches since I didn’t know anybody in the class yet. Eventually it gets easier, just make sure to have cue cards with you for all your speeches. When I had to do mine I would just focus straight ahead on a spot on the wall and it would help me get through without feeling the pressure of everyone staring at me.

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