Dinesh Surujdeo

Hello, my name is Dinesh Surujdeo and my preferred pronoun can be anything but he/his would suffice. I am a second year student here at City Tech. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology. At the end on this year, i will get the associates degree, however my overall goal is to get my masters in Mechanical Engineering. I plan to transfer at the end of the year to another school. Right now i am deciding between City College or Farmingdale State to get my masters. My career choice of engineering was influenced by the fact that like working with my hands. I find that I do my best work when I work with my hands. I love working with cars especially since my dad works with Lexus. The picture is of a 2006 Mitsubishi Evo I had been working on with some car enthusiast friends.20150613_142001

I was originally born in Guyana and my family moved to New York when I was seven years old. Since then, i grew up in Queens. One thing I love as much or even more at times than cars is sports. I am naturally attracted to my county’s sport of cricket(most American haven’t heard of it). It is a big part of my family and I grew up with it. I played it all four years of high school. But growing up in Queens, I i fell in love with basketball and especially football. My favorite teams are the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Giants respectively.  I like to exercise and workout on a regular basis.

I am a very easygoing person. I am also ambitious and dedicated to becoming a successful engineer. I enjoy making my friends and family laugh.

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