Reading Popular Culture

Category: The Hard Sell (Page 2 of 2)

Building the foundation of Sexy

Anya Johnson

Building the foundation of Sexy

Victoria Secret never comes with  old,

We need something that’s new, something that is bold.

This one should be simple something that screams sexy,

Something every woman desires, what will the next be?

Should is be blue or purple, no color that is dead;

A vibrant red is what we will use instead.

This one will be more about the product, no model will be used.

This one should be something no woman can refuse.

Keep it simple easy yet seductive,

With that being said our minds will be productive.

A slogan is needed this should knock them out the door,

Let’s do “Dress your boyfriend’s floor,”

The woman isn’t always the only one that should be pleased;

But the boyfriend it will teased, sending her out to get more of these.

For the bra we only need a firm and toned hand,

who says that alone cannot sell a brand.

We are known for our style and our top selling products,

Every woman expects us to advertise the best of us.

This ad should inspire woman of all different size,

Bringing  attention to more than just her thighs.

Her self-esteem and confidence will also rise

The bra should be the Diamond to her eyes.

Every couple takes time out for a little intimacy,

And wish to subtract whatever brings difficulty.

Victoria secret sits at the bottom big and bright,

Our ad should be admirable in every sight.

Leaving from this table I hope we all understand ,

The reason why this bra will be of demand.

sinetie croal

Behind the scene

Manufacturer: hello misses west how you are

Kim: omg I have such a busy day with things to do places to go people to meet am always on my feet

Manufacturer: I could imagine so I guess my secretary fill you in on everything we will be doing today

Kim: oh yes she did congrats on your new liqueur its midori right

Manufacturer: yes

Kim: ok

Stylist: hello kim it’s so nice to meet you

Kim: on her phone ping! Ping! She looked up oh same here

Stylist: so we will have you trying on a few dresses the manufacturer wants you to wear green

Kim: green?

Stylist: yes madam

Kim: oh please don’t call me that

Manufacturer: kim are you okay you’re comfortable?

Kim: yes but I was told I will be wearing green why is that?

Manufacturer: well the liqueur is a green muskmelon flavor so we need you to be the stand out person in this ad there will be a group of models behind you all dressed in white you will be centered

Kim: so I am the center of attraction here

Manufacture: yes

Kim: ok then I need my makeup to be on point and I am going to need some extensions

Stylist:  ok

Kris jenner: kim don’t forget you have a 5 o’clock appointment

Kim: I swear my mother is a drama queen haha




It is something you cannot live without it once you are living in New York, this great kind of shoes which is desired to accommodate in bad weather and condition.

Whether you drive or ride the bus or train, taxi or Uber, still you will need a pair of this comfortable shoes to wear after getting off the means of transportation.

Cool for even casual occasion because it does not have anything saying Snow

The outer make you   have the feeling to buy it because it is you can see  an ordinary shoe even though it is a special one.

By having this you solve in one shot your Snow, water, and cold problem.

Buy a pair today and get  the exclusive discount by showing your  New York state ID or your New York driver’s License and you  will get  a 75% discount on the second Pair


Take Control

Jonathan Portalatin

We the people of Nike have developed a special type of cleats
Reeboks and Adidas have stayed closed with marketing footwear for soccer athletes but nothing compared to this product

From running to explosive speed
From strength to unstoppable
From playing to playmaker
From wanting to winning
From player to leader
From best to beast, be phenomenal
The Nike Vapor 8’s are the latest creation

All around the world, millions look at this man as a public figure, just more than a soccer player
From running to explosive speed
From strength to unstoppable
From playing to playmaker
From wanting to winning
From player to leader
From best to beast, he is  Neymar Jr
he is phenomenal
He is the face of this product

Nike is one of top successful  companies in the world, we build a reputation for our products and promised our customers the best of everything
From low to high and low to high
From poor to rich
From weak to strong
From failure to success
Nike supports all

We the people of Nike
give the people what they want
we build on our franchise with success
The Nike Vapor will create success
Just do it

The Hard Sell Assignment

Here is the story we read in class today about the “Hard Sell” The Cosmopolitans Excerpt

Assignment: Imagining the “Hard Sell”

For homework, you read an excerpt from Sarah Schulman’s novel, The Cosmopolitans, in which Valerie demonstrates the concept of the “hard sell” to Bette and Hector. She explains how to convince consumers that they need to buy a product even if they don’t really need it. She says, “If I need to sell it more than you need to buy it, you will buy it” (Schulman 128).

For Essay 1, you have been analyzing a print advertisement or commercial that is trying to sell something to its audience, and you have thought a lot about who that audience might be. Now I want you to imagine what was going through the minds of the people who created the ad and write a scene, poem, song, narrative, or graphic image modeled after this scene from The Cosmopolitans that shows your readers how you imagine they came up with the idea for the ad and why they thought this particular approach would best convince consumers to buy the item.

On March 7th, Sarah Schulman will be on campus to talk about her book and read some selections from it as part of the Literature Roundtable! I encourage you all to attend the Roundtable at 2:30 p.m. in the Atrium Amphitheater on the Ground floor of the Atrium Building (at the bottom of the ramp). Please consider sharing what you have written/created OR asking a thoughtful question.

• Focus: Write or design a scene, poem, song, narrative, or graphic image that imagines and conveys the behind-the-scenes process that went into creating the ad you have been writing about. Show how you think the creators developed the idea and why they thought it would work as a “hard sell.”
• Length: One page, minimum
• Submission: Post your completed assignment on OpenLab. If it is a song or graphic, you may attach a file or link out to an external site. Before you submit, categorize your post by clicking “The Hard Sell” on the right side of the page.
• Due: March 7th before 11:30 a.m.
• Participate (optional): Come to the Literature Roundtable at 2:30 p.m. in the Atrium Amphitheater and share what you have written/created OR ask a thoughtful question.
• Weight: 25 points in the Active Participation category

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