ENG 1101-D355

Reading Popular Culture

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The subject appears to be avoiding eye contact with everyone on this train, a smart move indeed, as the subways in New York City are known to be crawling with odd ducks; who make it a priority to engage in unwarranted and extremely uncomfortable discussions with anyone who even looks in their general direction.  Not to mention he appears to be completely entranced by the book He’s reading. I’m noticing every few pages or so he’s smirking, gently chuckling to himself, highlighting, carefully underlining and annotating in the aforementioned book. He seems to be enjoying himself quite a bit. Upon further examination, I can see that he keeps taking breaks to draw in an unmarked black book he seems to be doing graffiti of sorts and based on that observation alone … I take it this guy plays by his own rules and operates on the fringes of the law or he could be a kind yet misunderstood soul, with a very peculiar outlook on the world. I don’t know but either way, this guy seems cool. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Now onto his wardrobe, I’m noticing his jeans are really fitted and pin rolled at the bottom which was a popular 80’s trend amongst the youth of that era and this would explain that vintage / funky old school vibe that I’m picking up off of him. Now, his sneakers are really beat up but I can tell that this is intentional he seems like the type of cat that; if someone were to ask him about the condition of his shoes, he’d say something along the lines of “these shoes tell stories, man!” or something close to that but then again I could be wrong because I barely know the guy.

Dimitri Alexander

Sitting on a tall, wooden stool, unable to take his eyes of off his iPhone glued to his hand (probably playing Candy Crush or checking out the latest posts on Instagram), and wearing a pair of tanned joggers that are way too short for his long, lanky legs, this young guy appears to be rather dismal. I assume the reason for his gloomy countenance stems from the devastating result of Super Bowl LI, due to the fact that he’s sports a New York Giants Jersey (boy, was that a tough game). Upon scanning the rest of his outfit, I notice his once immaculate white Converse are now soiled with God knows what (maybe he likes to run around in dirt— hey, I don’t judge… sometimes). And why is his hair all disheveled and kind of resemble a mop? Does this guy have any knowledge of basic hygiene at all? He should at least wear a beanie with the sloppy condition of his hair right now; however, his facial hair seems to be under control for the most part. Shoot, he’s getting up from his seat now… maybe he sensed I was judging him and his so-called “hygiene”.


Sebastian Wasilewski

How he’s asleep looking so stern I will never know, or maybe he’s contemplating whether college is worth it. He has all the signs, as if the decal on his laptop from earlier didn’t give it away. The sleep deprived eyes, from nights of travel and work. The stress induced blood pressure, causing his veins to seemingly jump. The signs of wear on his bag and clothes, he’s been doing it for a while. The scruffy beard and messed up hair, he barely has time for himself. Now he’s on his way home, to do it all again tomorrow. In these few moments of sleep, he’s wondering if these 4 years are worth it in the end. But one thing is for certain, he’s going to get through those years and finish with a smile on his face instead of a stern look like the one he has tonight.


He is wearing a postal uniform, light blue shirt and gray pants, instead of wearing a postal Jacket, he has a black coat which does not really match the Uniform. The way   he is does not really reflect the appearance of a carrier. The expression of his face shows someone who is really tired from the  Job   who does not  have  enough  time  to  work and  has to get  back  on  duty  again.  But at the  same  time, the cleanliness of  his uniform shows proudness of having  a kind  of decent  job , as  a federal  employee with the package  of  benefits  which is  included.

The waterproof coat  his  wearing  shows  readiness for  a cold and rainy day he might be facing, and  he  holds  a pair  of  gloves  to to ensure he  will be on top  of  handling  his stuff.

Sheldon Waite

“He is wearing black jeans pants which probably signifies that he wants to be independent from the people who wear blue jeans. I think he stays up late because every time I see him his eyes are red and puffy. He might be a Mickey Mouse fan because he wears a Mickey Mouse shirt. While most people wear Timberlands, he wears a non-named brand boot to show that he is not like everyone else. His color combinations with his clothes is black and blue. This sight makes me think that he is very masculine considering those colors associate with masculinity.”

Kevin Luna

He is wearing  a Givenchy shirt with some ripped jeans, Lacoste shoes and a chain around his neck on his way to a party in Corona, Queens. They’re in a cab him and his friends, laughing and enjoying life, until its time to leave, they pay the cab driver, they step outside and are tormented by the cold winds, suddenly they all run into a Mexican restaurant trying to figure out the next step, they are looked funny by the restaurants employees but this doesn’t bother him,  his friend gets the address of the party and he meets up with his other friend. They all walk towards the party, in a group no-one is left behind. Once they are in there they are searched by security. He moves with his group, greets people that recognize him. He looks happy and very enthusiastic but he keeps it in silence, he makes sure he knows who’s in the place until its time to let the devil out, the rest is history.  Happy Birthday Kevin His friends yell out, they all proceed to party.

Amira S. Pass

What I noticed first was the contrasting meek ‘sorry’ and direct eye contact she gave when bumping me as we crossed the street. I guess she was not a big talker but definitely not shy since she did everything short of physical contact to make sure I knew she was talking to me. She boldly wore a berry colored coat and plaisey scarf in the standard black, brown, grey, and olive green sea that winter brings. Like the typical tech obsessed young person, her iPhone was clenched tightly in her hand and in the quick moment of contact, I heard an audience laughter instead of music. That brought a smile to her face lending her the impression of a happy and light personality. Her pace quickened once we reach the sidewalk, making me wonder which she was rushing to get to; school or one of the local trains for work. The last thing I saw before we parted ways was her battered red and black checkered book bag. The dirty bottom and tear on one of the arms alluded to her lifestyle. It had to be on-the-go with little complications from whatever could fit into that bag. One could forever ponder how many adventures they’ve gone on together.

Jonathan Portalatin

He is wearing a pair of Beats By Dre around his ears playing Travis Scott’s Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight. He’s laid back against the chair as if he’s falling asleep, maybe he was up last night finishing homework. He keeps removing his black rimmed glasses and perching them on his head as if he dislikes them and finds them uncomfortable. He has a short trimmed haircut that shows off his appearance. The NYG logo on his hoodie shows he’s supportive of his team or maybe he’s an athlete that likes football hoodies. His skin is tan and the eyes are a little bit chinky, he looks Hawaiian. It seems like he doesn’t talk a lot because he keeps to himself. His face is serious but isn’t bothered by anything. His eyebrows are furrowed and forehead is creased as in deep in thought. He’s tall unless it’s his timbs giving him height. He’s independent and observant about his surroundings.

Michelle Wu

She is Asian who has medium long hair and is black. She is wearing a black North Face jacket that has brown feathers on her hood. Her pant is light blue skinny jean and her shoe is a high top sneaker that looks weared out. The color is purple and grey. She has a Longchamp bag that is a large size and the color is blue. She listens to music on her her phone which is a Samsung S6.  she uses a turquoise color earphone and her music is a little bit loud.  She some times doze off in the train and constantly looking at the list of the stops and the ads.

Wadud Khan

His incorrect posture tells me that he probably spends a lot of time in a chair hunched over a computer. I assume he is either a very intelligent and hard working person, or he likes to procrastinate. He is aware of this because he tries to sit up every so often as a result. I can tell he cares about his impressions on other people because he wants to look decent and respectable. He doesn’t wear bright sneakers, and the only thing I ever see him wear on his feet are brown combat boots (or any kind of brown boots for that matter), and  the occasional dark navy pair of Vans . This tells me he is a minimalist when it comes his wardrobe and he focuses more on having versatile pieces, rather than having many pieces. This is further upheld by the fact that he dresses in neutral toned clothing. The most flashy thing he ever wears is that huge,puffy,red H&M jacket. Because this clashes with the rest of his wardrobe, he probably received that jacket as a gift because there is no way he’d buy something like that.

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