Reading Popular Culture

Author: Nicodeme Joseph



It is something you cannot live without it once you are living in New York, this great kind of shoes which is desired to accommodate in bad weather and condition.

Whether you drive or ride the bus or train, taxi or Uber, still you will need a pair of this comfortable shoes to wear after getting off the means of transportation.

Cool for even casual occasion because it does not have anything saying Snow

The outer make you   have the feeling to buy it because it is you can see  an ordinary shoe even though it is a special one.

By having this you solve in one shot your Snow, water, and cold problem.

Buy a pair today and get  the exclusive discount by showing your  New York state ID or your New York driver’s License and you  will get  a 75% discount on the second Pair



He is wearing a postal uniform, light blue shirt and gray pants, instead of wearing a postal Jacket, he has a black coat which does not really match the Uniform. The way   he is does not really reflect the appearance of a carrier. The expression of his face shows someone who is really tired from the  Job   who does not  have  enough  time  to  work and  has to get  back  on  duty  again.  But at the  same  time, the cleanliness of  his uniform shows proudness of having  a kind  of decent  job , as  a federal  employee with the package  of  benefits  which is  included.

The waterproof coat  his  wearing  shows  readiness for  a cold and rainy day he might be facing, and  he  holds  a pair  of  gloves  to to ensure he  will be on top  of  handling  his stuff.

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