Reading Popular Culture

Author: Jonathan P

Take Control

Jonathan Portalatin

We the people of Nike have developed a special type of cleats
Reeboks and Adidas have stayed closed with marketing footwear for soccer athletes but nothing compared to this product

From running to explosive speed
From strength to unstoppable
From playing to playmaker
From wanting to winning
From player to leader
From best to beast, be phenomenal
The Nike Vapor 8’s are the latest creation

All around the world, millions look at this man as a public figure, just more than a soccer player
From running to explosive speed
From strength to unstoppable
From playing to playmaker
From wanting to winning
From player to leader
From best to beast, he is  Neymar Jr
he is phenomenal
He is the face of this product

Nike is one of top successful  companies in the world, we build a reputation for our products and promised our customers the best of everything
From low to high and low to high
From poor to rich
From weak to strong
From failure to success
Nike supports all

We the people of Nike
give the people what they want
we build on our franchise with success
The Nike Vapor will create success
Just do it

Jonathan Portalatin

He is wearing a pair of Beats By Dre around his ears playing Travis Scott’s Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight. He’s laid back against the chair as if he’s falling asleep, maybe he was up last night finishing homework. He keeps removing his black rimmed glasses and perching them on his head as if he dislikes them and finds them uncomfortable. He has a short trimmed haircut that shows off his appearance. The NYG logo on his hoodie shows he’s supportive of his team or maybe he’s an athlete that likes football hoodies. His skin is tan and the eyes are a little bit chinky, he looks Hawaiian. It seems like he doesn’t talk a lot because he keeps to himself. His face is serious but isn’t bothered by anything. His eyebrows are furrowed and forehead is creased as in deep in thought. He’s tall unless it’s his timbs giving him height. He’s independent and observant about his surroundings.

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