Ladies and gentlemen sitting in here

You have no idea what you’re about to hear

I’ve got a new hook that I’m about to share

And it’s all about the working class women if the year.

It’s 1942 we need something new

Nothing blue, nothing borrowed

Nothing that is through

I suggest something clear, something that is dear

For the face of the ad we’ll use woman that is fair.

The soap will be plenty

To get it will be no bother

It will target the majority

And appeal to ever single mother.

This one must new, different from the old

It won’t just be a product that is to be sold

There must be a story to be told.

From the stresses of work

To the motherly role at home

It’s time to give the baby some gentle loving foam

They have all these  responsibilities

To keep them busy

But do they possess the abilities

To keep looking like a cutie.

Let’s put it in bold

Big and bright

Dont forget your job of keeping your beauty on duty.

We’ll make it military themed

Since the war is being streamed

A few props and some words that scream;

We protect, we defend , we are simply the best.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I present to you

An ad that is new

An ad not just for two

 An ad that is so rare

This ad is for the working class women of the year