Hello world!

Welcome to City Tech OpenLab. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

About Masum

You will find it boring.
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2 Responses to Hello world!

  1. Mr WordPress says:

    Hi, this is a comment.
    To delete a comment, just log in and view the post's comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

  2. Masum says:


    -single purpose
    -there isn’t a lot of junk
    -it doesn’t have ad’s that can be mistaken for part of the content.
    -it has flash
    -things popup
    -contents are relevent to what you visited the site for
    -has white spaces


    -things are cluttered.
    -overloaded with content on the home page
    -ad’s all over.
    -ad’s can be mistaken for web content.
    -multi-purpose sites.
    -multiple service-business
    -blogs (focus is on personalizing by user)

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