VIII. Improvement Activities

Previous: Teaching Effectiveness

I’ve found it beneficial to participate in both formal and informal continuing education opportunities. Each has their own benefits. Workshops lead through organizations like ALCTs can connect you with scholar librarians at libraries universities around the world. While CUNY lead offerings, like our own OER workshops spearheaded by colleagues in the library, provide an opportunity for the entire campus community connect to connect in a scenario where we’re the students. While events sponsored by the Library Association of CUNY (LACUNY) provide targeted professional development  opportunities which address the unique intersection of librarian & faculty member that you find across CUNY campuses.

LACUNY Sponsored
Junior Faculty Roundtable & Professional Development Committee Topics:
-Predatory Journals
-Strategies and Tips for Academic Librarians
-Publication Workshop and Forum

CUNY Online Teaching Essentials
-Gain first-hand experience in and appreciation of the needs of an online learner
-Identify widely accepted best practices for online teaching, including principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
-Reflect on how to apply to one’s own course the instructional design principles, organizational and facilitation skills, and communication and assessment strategies introduced in the course
-Become familiar with the basic operations and features of a Blackboard classroom from both student and instructor perspectives
-Create a plan for building and teaching an online or hybrid course
Certificate of Completion

Library O.E.R. (Open Educational Resources) Training
-O.E.R. training participants became knowledgeable about open educational resources (O.E.R.), principles of open pedagogy, and strategies to create usable and accessible O.E.R.s on the OpenLab.
-For the final project, we were tasked with creating an open educational resource. I recorded part one of my libguides workshop (detailed in the Scholarly and Professional Growth section).
Final project assessment

Teaching Portfolio Workshop
-Series of six workshops led by Professor Junior Tidal to craft a teaching portfolio draft. This pilot program was instigated by Julia Jordan former director of the Faculty Commons and facilitator of new faculty orientation (among other initiatives).
-Workshop creator and leader, Junior Tidal and workshop participants co-presented “Creating Teaching Portfolios for Non-Instructional Librarians: A
Panel Present” at the annual ACRL conference in 2021 and in 2023 co-authored an article for a library journal (publication is forthcoming).
Notice of participation

-“Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. The Wikidata courses provide a foundation for new Wikidata community members as well as help those with projects to advance their work.”
Certificate of completion

Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management
-This four-week online course addresses the basic components of collection development and management (CDM) in libraries.
Certificate of completion

Next: Goals & Works in Progress