Learning Self-Analysis

            In my study journey of the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing, I have acquired abundant knowledge and have gained many precious experiences that I never had in my previous studies in the Associate’s degree in Nursing. My studies in Associate degree in Nursing armed me with the critical practical skills and knowledge that apply to nursing care practice, whereas my studies in the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing has taught me the skills of being a leader as well as the skills needed in caring for patients outside of bedside nursing. More importantly, I have acquired the skills of putting myself into patient’s shoes, which has shaped me a more thoughtful heart. My studies in the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing has made me grow from being a shy person to now becoming an open-minded person that actively advocates in promoting better health care for all patients.

            The Baccalaureate degree in Nursing has provided me with different opportunities to engage myself in making closer contacts with patients, through which I have learned and now understand more about patient needs. The clinical experiences in my Baccalaureate degree in Nursing have made me jump outside of my experiences of being a bedside nurse; they have made me walk into different communities, which made me realize that besides physical factors, other factors such as environment, policies, and social factors, also have significant impacts on human health. The clinical experiences of doing patient rounds as a nurse manager gave me the opportunities to communicate with the patients and understand more about their health goals and needs so as to learn the ways of improving quality of care for the patients. In addition, I have learned skills on providing cost-effective services to the patients by being thoughtful and carefully listening to patients’ needs. What’s more, my studies in the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing have also enriched me in the knowledge of current common health issues, as well as the basic guide on pursuing a higher degree in nursing in order to provide better care for my patients. Overall, my studies in the Baccalaureate degree of Nursing has helped me become an active thinker and a thoughtful person that always views things from the patient’s angle, and always tries to consider different aspects that affect the patient’s health in order to provide the patient with comprehensive care.

            The communication skills, management skills, as well as compassion, respect and humanity that are embedded in the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing have taught me skills in getting along well with my colleagues; creating a harmonious atmosphere in the work field; properly handling crisis in the workforce; and ultimately becoming a professional nurse in providing comprehensive care for the patients. With these acquired skills, I have grown from being a shy little girl that was afraid of speaking up in public and making contact with people, to becoming a confident nurse that has learned to adopt these skills to my work field, actively communicate with my patients and colleagues, so as to become a professional nurse that provides quality care for my patients.