My Belief and Philosophy of Nursing

What is nursing? Everyone has a different definition for what nursing means to them. Every individuals journey to becoming a nurse has probably also shaped their personal philosophies towards nursing. Since I was young I always knew I wanted to be in the medical field; I found it amazing this concept of improving someone’s health through science and technology. After much research and thinking I decided that nursing suited me the most. While I hit some bumps in the road and had to preserver to become a nurse, I carry that perseverance when taking caring of my patient’s. I give encouragement and support to my patient’s just as they persevere in a difficult time of their life. After studying and being immersed in this environment, I believe nursing is assisting the patient in reaching health through not only science but through compassionate and caring care rendered.

Nursing has been my way to give back to society. With every patient encounter I have I attempt to make a difference in their care by providing cultural competent individualized care. Providing culturally competent care I believe aids and provides comfort to patients in achieving a stage of wellbeing. Working with some of the sickest psychiatric patients of NYC on a Latino unit you have to be creative and flexible. I found that building a trusting relationship with this population goes a long way. Building a good working relationship with my patient’s has helped me advocate for them when they may be unable to do so. Advocacy is imperative when dealing with patient’s when they are at their most vulnerable. These have all been cornerstones to practicing my own philosophy of nursing. Nursing is not just a career but has defined the person I am today.