My Nursing Philosophy

My philosophy of nursing is the ability to provide caring, compassionate and quality nursing care to patients and their caregivers. Though nursing is a learned skill it also involves having a natural ability to care for others. There are many nurses who enter the realm of nursing for the money; these nurses are usually the nurses that are stressed out and cannot cope with the many responsibilities that go along with the daily functions of caring for a patient. I feel that if nursing is not truly in someone’s heart then nursing is not the profession for him/her.  Patients need care and genuine compassion to alleviate them from feeling alienated and neglected emotionally. Patients rely on therapeutic healing, optimal care, and compassion at the bedside. As a registered nurse I am also a strong patient advocate. I live and breathe compassion at the bedside.  Following the principles of Florence Nightingale’s Pledge of Nursing I always do my best to “devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.

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